How to Make Your License Plate Invisible to Cameras

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License plate camera blockers are a cheap and effective way to make your license plate number invisible to red light cameras and can save you the hassle of fighting a speeding ticket from speed cameras. 

Unlike tinted license plate covers, blockers like clear covers and sprays don’t conceal your plate, but they still hide its number from cameras. Read on to find out more about these products and if they are legal in your state.

How to Make Your Number Plate Invisible to Cameras

Traffic intersections are often equipped with cameras to stop drivers from running through red lights. 

As you speed past a sensor after the lights have turned red, the camera will take a photo of the rear plate of your vehicle and you may end up paying a fine. 

Manufacturers have come up with many ways to elude red light cameras, such as license plate covers, license plate spray, and other devices. 

License plate covers

License plate covers are made of strong, clear polycarbonate plastic. They have a thin layer of prismatic material that reflects light from red light cameras, as a result making license plates unreadable. 

The roadside-mounted red light cameras operate at an angle of approximately 20-22 degrees from the vehicle’s path. Viewed at a zero-degree angle, that is directly from behind the car, the plate is perfectly readable. However, as you move to the side at an angle, the license plate cover will obscure one or more of the numbers, making them invisible to the camera.

License plate sprays

Red light cameras use a strong flash to photograph cars’ license plates. Clear sprays for license plates work by flashing this light back to the camera, which makes the photo overexposed and unclear.

Other types of blockers

Besides license plate covers and sprays, there are several other products on the market designed to make your license plate number invisible to red light cameras: 

  • Acrylic and resin reflective gels reflect the light back to the red light camera.
  • Smart license plates with sensors can detect the flash from a red light camera and then trigger flashes on the sides of the plate, making it too bright for the camera to capture.
  • License plate-flippers are devices that allow you to quickly rotate license plates 180 degrees. This way, you can change your plate number within seconds.
  • Smart glass license-plate covers allow you to obscure your license plate at a push of a button. You can switch between obscure and transparent modes as needed. 

Is Blocking Your License Plate Legal?

In most states, it is forbidden to attach anything to your license plate that would make it unreadable. The state name and numbers on your plate must be clearly visible and free from any dirt, stickers, and frames at all times. Tinted covers that obscure license plates are illegal in all states.

Although most state laws say that it is illegal to alter, block, or obscure a license plate, these laws don’t always specifically mention the use of license plate covers or sprays. The table below shows what states explicitly forbid the use of license plate covers and sprays. Please keep in mind that “allowed” means that the state only requires your license plate number to be easily readable and clear. It’s essential to consult your state law before you decide to make any alterations. 

StatePhoto Block SprayLicense Plate Cover
Alabama AllowedAllowed
Alaska AllowedAllowed
Arizona Arizona Arizona 
Arkansas No red light cameras*No red light cameras*
California Not allowed Not allowed
Colorado Not allowed Not allowed 
Delaware Not allowedNot allowed
District of ColumbiaNot allowedNot allowed
FloridaNot allowedNot allowed
GeorgiaNot allowedNot allowed
Hawaii AllowedAllowed
IllinoisNot allowedNot allowed
IndianaNot allowedNot allowed
IowaNot allowedNot allowed
KansasNot allowedNot allowed
LouisianaNot allowedNot allowed
MaineNo red light cameras*No red light cameras*
MarylandNot allowedNot allowed
MassachusettsNot allowedNot allowed
MichiganNo red light cameras*No red light cameras*
MinnesotaNot allowedNot allowed
MississippiNo red light cameras*No red light cameras*
MissouriNot allowedNot allowed
NevadaNo red light cameras*No red light cameras*
New HampshireNo red light cameras*No red light cameras*
New JerseyNot allowedNot allowed
New MexicoNot allowedNot allowed
New YorkNot allowedNot allowed
North CarolinaNot allowedNot allowed
North DakotaAllowedAllowed
OklahomaNot allowedNot allowed
OregonNot allowedNot allowed
PennsylvaniaNot allowedNot allowed
Rhode IslandAllowedAllowed
South CarolinaAllowedAllowed
South DakotaAllowedAllowed
Tennessee AllowedAllowed
TexasNot allowedNot allowed
UtahNot allowedNot allowed
WashingtonNot allowedNot allowed
West VirginiaNo red light cameras*No red light cameras*
Wisconsin Not allowedNot allowed
WyomingNot allowedNot allowed

*Some states prohibit the use of red light cameras.

How Long Does License Plate Spray Last?

Good-quality license plate sprays are long-lasting and, according to manufacturers, never come off. You should keep in mind that since sprays are invisible it’s also hard to see when they need reapplication.

Is License Plate Spray Waterproof?

Aside from avoiding red light cameras, license plate sprays are expected to withstand harsh weather conditions. Most good-quality sprays are weather resistant and waterproof. You only need to apply them once—although several coats may be necessary—and they won’t wash off or fade. 

The Best License Plate Sprays

Rust-Oleum 214944 Specialty Reflective Spray

This multifunctional spray creates a reflective coating on your license plate that prevents it from being recognizable in a photo taken by a red light camera. It’s very simple to apply, just make sure to remove the plate and clean it thoroughly before spraying. The product dries in a matter of minutes and there is enough to cover several license plates or other surfaces. On the downside, this spray doesn’t work well with dark colors, so it’s not the best choice for Delaware or Vermont plates.

PhotoBlocker Spray

PhotoBlocker is the best-selling license plate spray based on a patented formula. The spray makes your plate shiny so that when a photo is taken with flash, it becomes illegible. You need to apply four coats and allow the license plate to dry for at least an hour between coats.

Seymour 16-511 Reflective Water-Based Coating

This clear coating produces a bright-colored reflection when it’s lit by the flashlight of a red light camera. The spray must be applied over the aluminum base coat or clean, bright aluminum. It has excellent durability and is resistant to any type of weather conditions. What’s more, unlike traditional solvent-based sprays, the coating is water-based and doesn’t contain lead, cadmium, mercury, or chromates.

The Best License Plate Covers

SunFlex Zone License Plate Cover

The SunFlex Zone license plate cover is an ultra-thin, clear layer of protection against red light cameras. It filters out the infrared light, at the same time allowing visible light to pass through. The cover is 100% transparent at all angles. This license plate cover is easy and quick to install. It’s both shatterproof, weather-resistant, and waterproof, and doesn’t yellow in the sun. 

Zade Original Protector Anti-Photo Radar License Plate Cover

The Zade Original Protector license plate cover is invisible to the naked eye but it reflects most red light camera flashes. In addition to diffusing light, its curved design helps bounce radar lights off of your license plate. 

On Track Manufacturing Super Protector License Plate Cover

The Super Protector license plate cover is, according to the manufacturer, an all-in-one solution against red light cameras. The cover consists of two sections of prismatic material, each covering half of the plate. This way, one half of the plate will always be concealed no matter where the camera is located. The Super Protector cover can also be used with a license plate frame. 

The advantage of Super Protector is that it obscures the plate from very steep angles, which makes it equally effective if the camera is mounted on an overpass or high on a pole. Some other covers work only at angles larger than 35 degrees, making them ineffective against red light cameras. 

PhotoShield License Plate Cover

Featured on CSI Miami, PhotoShield license plate cover is one of the most sold red light camera blockers. This clear plastic cover has a thin diffusion lens designed to make your license plate unreadable by red light cameras when viewed at an angle. However, when the plate is viewed directly from behind the vehicle it remains clear and legible. The PhotoShield cover is guaranteed to work against all types of red light and speed cameras.

Reflector Cover

The Reflector license plate cover is made of high-quality clear plastic and coated with light-reflecting crystals. It reflects the flash back to the camera and overexposes the photo taken of your license plate. The result is an unclear image that will save you a costly speeding ticket.

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