Can I Drive Without Shoes?

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People often ask us whether it is legal to drive without shoes. And, while the law varies from county to county and state to state, it is important to know that the answer is not the same in every place. Let’s break it down.

Is Driving Without Shoes Illegal?

In general, driving without shoes on is not illegal. However, there are quite a few different requirements in a number of states where lawmakers have taken steps to ensure that unsafe driving is kept to a minimum. And driving without shoes on is certainly considered an act of unsafe driving.

But “unsafe” does not necessarily mean “illegal.” The policies that have been passed in certain states to mitigate the risk posed by unsafe driving can range anywhere from being totally illegal to drive barefoot to simply requiring you to wear specific kinds of footwear when driving specific kinds of vehicles.

Policies by State

In most states, driving barefoot is legal and acceptable. However, in 14 states, there are additional restrictions placed on legal footwear when driving vehicles. Those states are listed in the table below alongside brief descriptions of their state laws regarding barefoot driving:

AlabamaDriving most motor vehicles barefoot is permitted. However, to operate a motorcycle, you must wear some type of protective footwear, such as sneakers.
Arizona, Arkansas, California, and NevadaIt is legal to drive barefoot but you could be charged with reckless driving or face additional civil penalties if your barefoot driving results in or contributes toward a motor vehicle accident.
Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, and WyomingAlthough it is legal to drive barefoot, there is formal legal precedent for considering that practice unsafe. This formal legal precedent could potentially be used against you in a court of law for a relevant case.
MichiganMichigan lawmakers believe a driver has more control over a vehicle when driving barefoot than they otherwise would if wearing certain kinds of shoes.
TennesseeAlthough barefoot driving is legal at the state level, there are some counties in which local regulations prohibit it.
VirginiaAlthough driving barefoot is legal, it is not encouraged. Instead, drivers should wear safe and protective footwear with a closed heel.
WisconsinNot only is it illegal to drive barefoot, it is legally considered less safe to drive a motor vehicle with high heels or similar kinds of footwear that may inhibit your ability to drive a vehicle.

Why Do People Think It Is Illegal to Drive Barefoot?

Most people wrongly believe that it is illegal to drive barefoot, even in states that don’t have such laws. In reality, as seen in the table above, there is only one state in the country in which driving all vehicles barefoot is illegal (Wisconsin).

Part of the reason why most people believe it is illegal to drive barefoot could be the fact that most people prefer to drive with shoes on, making it incredibly uncommon and rare for somebody to drive barefoot. This has created somewhat of a social stigma against driving barefoot.

Another reason could be the rough gray areas in which most states place their barefoot driving laws. For example, it is not uncommon for somebody to be ticketed for reckless driving or negligence after causing an accident that the court believes to be due to the driver’s lack of shoes.

How Is Driving Without Shoes a Safety Risk?

Whether driving without shoes is a safety risk is a hotly contested issue in the world of traffic law. However, many jurisdictions still consider barefoot driving to be unsafe. Here are a few reasons as to why:

It is believed that bare feet can more easily slide off of the gas or brake pedals, as they tend to have less grip than most shoes. That is especially true when your bare feet are wet or sweaty. Sneakers, on the other hand, are far less likely to slip off of a brake pedal.

Some people also argue that you have greater control over your braking force when wearing shoes than you do while barefoot.

If you are particularly focused on the fact that you are not wearing shoes, you could be guilty of distracted driving, which is not only a ticketable offense in most jurisdictions but also considerably unsafe.

One of the most convincing arguments against driving barefoot is that, in the case of an accident in which glass or debris is scattered across the road, it will be extremely painful and difficult for you to walk to safety.

Shoes to Avoid Driving with

When it comes to driving, the best way to avoid a ticket and/or an accident is to drive with the most effective and safe footwear possible. Not only do many traffic experts suggest not driving barefoot, they also suggest you avoid driving while wearing any of the following types of footwear:

  • Flip flops
  • Open-heeled sandals
  • High heels
  • Wedge heels
  • Thick-soled boots or shoes
  • Shoes with long, untucked laces
  • Shoes without traction or with slippery soles
  • Open-toed shoes
  • Slip-on shoes

If your footwear falls into any of the above categories, your risk of causing an accident or losing control of your vehicle increases. For example, it is possible for the too-long laces of certain shoes to get caught around the pedal and prevent you from removing your foot.

Of course, if you’ve already received a ticket for driving barefoot or with unsafe footwear of another kind, the best thing you can do now is to fight that ticket in court. You can do so with the press of a button by downloading the WinIt app and contacting expert traffic lawyers in your area.

So what are you waiting for? Take your case to court and win it with WinIt.

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