Fire Hydrant Tickets in Texas

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When people say that everything is bigger in Texas, they might as well be referring to parking ticket fines. If you get a ticket for parking too close to a fire hydrant in the Lone Star State, you’ll be in for an unpleasant surprise. These tickets are some of the most expensive fire hydrant tickets in the United States. Here’s what you’ll need to know to beat them.

What Are the Fire Hydrant Laws in Texas?

The Texas Transportation Code (specifically §545.302(b)(2)) bans parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant throughout the state. The law also applies to standing, which is the practice of stopping a vehicle (possibly putting it in park) but keeping it running and staying in the driver’s seat.

When Are the Hydrant Laws in Effect?

Texas’s fire hydrant parking laws are always in effect and remain in effect all the time. There is no downtime for these laws, meaning you are never permitted to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. That is, unless you meet one or more of the exceptions listed later in this article.

What Is the Cost of a Fire Hydrant Ticket in Texas?

Fire hydrant parking tickets in Texas are some of the most expensive fire hydrant parking tickets in the country. A single violation can cost around $105 with an additional $5 surcharge if you meet the requirements for the Child Safety Fine. Failure to pay your ticket within 30 days of its issuance can also result in an additional $30 in late fees. Those fees can further increase depending on a number of other factors.

Why Are Hydrant Tickets So Strict?

These laws are so strictly enforced in order to deter people from violating them. The idea behind the enforcement of these laws is that people will be less likely to break them if the penalties are so strictly enforced. Ideally, that would mean fewer people blocking fire trucks from accessing fire hydrants in emergency situations.

That brings us to the reason why there aren’t any exception times to the fire hydrant laws in Texas. Since it’s impossible to know when an emergency might arise, it’s impossible to know when you can or can’t park at a fire hydrant. To make things easier and cut out the crystal balls, the state decided to outright ban all fire hydrant parking (within 15 feet) altogether.

Can You Park by a Broken Hydrant?

Although it is technically legal to park next to an out-of-commission fire hydrant, we strongly recommend against doing so. Just because a fire hydrant might look like it’s out of commission doesn’t mean that it actually is. Also, just because a fire hydrant is out of commission doesn’t mean it won’t soon be repaired. In either case, you should avoid parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant if you’d like to avoid a parking ticket.

Are There Any Exceptions to the Laws?

The most notable exception to Texas’s fire hydrant parking restrictions applies when the driver of the vehicle is ready and willing to immediately move the vehicle the moment an emergency arises. In order to meet the requirements for this vehicle, you must satisfy each of the following conditions:

  • You have the keys on you.
  • You are a licensed driver.
  • You are permitted to operate the vehicle.
  • You are ready, willing, and able to move the vehicle without delay or hesitation.

Failure to meet each and every requirement listed above can result in you receiving a fire hydrant parking ticket.

Can I Get My Fire Hydrant Ticket Reduced or Dismissed?

The most effective way to have your fire hydrant parking ticket fine reduced or dismissed is to contest your ticket in court. That means pleading not guilty, preparing an argument, going to court on your assigned court date, and achieving a favorable result. Unfortunately, that’s all easier said than done. In order to maximize your chances of getting such an outcome, you should consult with a parking ticket attorney about your case.

What To Bring to Court When Fighting Your Ticket

There are a few things that everybody who receives fire hydrant parking tickets in Texas should bring to court: evidence, the original ticket (and a few copies), and an argument letter. Of course, depending on your specific circumstances, it might make sense to bring other things as well. But you should never go to court for this violation without all three of these items.


When we say “evidence,” we mean anything that can disprove the allegations against you. Speaking of which, you do not have to prove your innocence. The way that the burden of proof works for civil cases (like parking tickets) in the United States is that you only have to demonstrate that there is not “clear and convincing” evidence against you. If you succeed in doing that, the judge must find you not guilty.

The Original Ticket

Bringing the original ticket to court with you helps to accomplish two things. First, it helps keep your argument focused on what the prosecutor will bring up to convict you. Second, it helps to ensure that you can pay the ticket on the same day that you are convicted, if applicable, all in one trip rather than having to go back to the courthouse to pay at a later date.

An Argument Letter

An argument letter is a written document that describes the arguments you intend to use to argue your case. It should be clear, concise, and direct. Do not bloat it with fluff or flowery language. Try to include legal precedent where applicable. But keep in mind, the longer it is the less effective it is. That being said, you don’t want it to be too short either. The goal is to keep it concise without sacrificing content.

Hiring an Attorney To Fight Your Ticket Through

As you might have gathered from this article, Texas’s traffic and parking ticket court system can be frustrating, confusing, and hard to navigate. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through it alone. The WinIt app (and the website) make it easier than ever to access safe and affordable legal services from the comfort of your own home.

Instead of paying more than $100 in fines and other penalties, consider hiring a lawyer to represent you through the WinIt app. You just might be able to take your case to court and win it with WinIt.

Get a Free Ticket Consultation

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