Handicap Parking Pass in Pennsylvania

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Obtaining a Handicap Parking Pass in Pennsylvania

Handicap parking in Pennsylvania is a privilege extended to people that display the required conditions to warrant parking within a closer distance to certain entrances. There’s nothing wrong with handicap parking, assuming you have the proper documentation to prove you qualify.

Not providing proof can lead to a citation and a significant fine. Additionally, it’s morally wrong to take the spot of someone that might truly need it. What qualifies a person for handicap parking in Pennsylvania, and how does one obtain this privilege?

Who Is Eligible for Handicap Parking in Pennsylvania?

Eligibility for handicap parking is only extended to a certain demographic in Pennsylvania. The following list highlights the specific characteristics an individual must exhibit to qualify:

·         A person that does not have the full use of one or both arms is eligible for handicap parking. The extent of the injury isn’t significant, as long as there is a clear display of the lack of function of at least one arm, a pass may be granted.

·         Anyone that can’t walk at least 200-feet without stopping to rest will be given a handicapped parking pass. This can be a result of a variety of conditions, including lung disabilities, heart problems, or any other physical ailment.

·         If someone is unable to walk without the use of, or assistance from, a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or any other assistive support, they are eligible for a handicapped parking pass.

·         Anyone specifically restricted by lung disease to the extent that their expiratory volume for 1 second is less than 1 liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less than 60 MM/HG on room air at rest, a handicapped parking pass may be granted.

·         Individuals that require portable oxygen to stay mobile in a public setting will be deemed eligible to receive a handicapped parking pass.

·         Anybody that has a cardiac condition to the extent that the person’s functional limitations are classified in severity as Class III or IV according to the standards set by the AHA, will be eligible for a handicapped parking pass.

·         Anyone that is considered legally blind by their physician or the state’s motor vehicle department will be granted a handicapped parking pass.

·         Someone that is severely limited in their ability to walk or travel because of an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition will be given a handicapped parking pass.

·         Finally, someone in loco parentis of a person with any of the specified conditions will be eligible for a handicapped parking pass as well.

·         Additionally, a business that transports handicapped individuals is eligible for 8 passes in the organization’s name to be used when transporting eligible individuals.

This outlines a large demographic of people in the state of Pennsylvania eligible for a handicapped parking pass. However, some people may not be aware of how they go about completing this task.

What Are the Benefits of Obtaining a Handicap Parking Pass?

When someone has trouble walking due to a physical condition that limits their mobility, walking a great distance may be impossible for them to accomplish. Handicapped spots are normally located within the closest distance possible in terms of available parking spots.

In downtown areas, handicapped street parking areas are located closest to the entrances of businesses or residential areas. These parking spots will extend an additional time limit beyond the one normally posted.

Parking in spaces designated as handicapped areas will be allowed for a period longer than 60 minutes more than the normal parking times. If a person with a qualifying disability requests such, local authorities may place a sign as close to the highway as possible to indicate that a specific spot is reserved for a resident with a pass. 

Anyone else who parks in these spots will be subject to a fine and possibly have their vehicle towed. In the event the vehicle is towed, an individual may have to pay storage and towing fees to obtain the rights back to their car.

How Does One Get a Parking Permit In Pennsylvania?

Obtaining a parking permit in Pennsylvania is as simple as filling out a form and returning it to a specific address. The form may be obtained at your local DMV.

Applicants are required to complete Form MV-145A and submit the form to the following address:

PennDOT Bureau of Motor Vehicles

PO Box 68268 Harrisburg, PA 17106-8628

How Much Does a Parking Permit Cost?

There is no cost to receive a handicapped parking permit in the state of Pennsylvania.

How Long Are Parking Placards Valid?

There are four types of placards available that all have different expiration dates:

·         A Person with Disability Parking Placard is valid for 5 years.

·         Severely Disabled Veteran Person with Disability Parking Placard is valid for 5 years.

·         A Person with Disability Temporary Parking Placard is valid for 6 months.

·         Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Decal is valid during Pennsylvania’s motorcycle registration period.

How Do You Renew Placards?

Permanent placards are renewed in March and September of every year. Permanent placard holders will be mailed a renewal notice 60 days before the placard expiration date. Those who do not receive the renewal notice should complete the following form:


How Do You Replace Lost Placards?

Specific measures should be taken to replace lost or stolen placards.

How to Apply for a Replacement Persons with Disability Placard

Applying for a replacement disability placard is as simple as completing Form MV-145A. If the old placard is ever found, it will be listed as invalid in the system.

How to Apply for a Replacement Persons with Disability Registration Plate

Replacing this plate requires you to fill out Form MV-44. You must indicate the reason for the replacement, and it is to be submitted to PennDOT along with the required replacement fee. Refer to Form MV-70S to obtain the required fee.

Who Can Certify a Person as Disabled?

Only a licensed healthcare provider may certify an individual as disabled and eligible to obtain a handicapped parking pass. A licensed healthcare provider is defined as a physician, chiropractor, optometrist, podiatrist, physician’s assistant, or registered nurse.

The individual must be licensed to practice within the state of Pennsylvania. Additionally, they may only certify disabilities within the scope of their intended practice.

What About the Person That Carries My Assistive Device?

If you use someone else for transportation and your assistive device is located within their vehicle, they may also apply for a placard to become eligible to park in designated spaces. However, it’s important to note that they should only use the designated spaces during times of transporting you or your assistive device.

If they are caught using the placard at times when you or the assistive device is not present within the vehicle or in the vicinity, they will be subject to a fine and revocation of the placard.

Obtaining a handicapped parking pass is relatively simple and doesn’t cost any money unless you need to replace the placard. The most important element is making sure the individual can prove their disability and not allowing any extra people to use the placard to park in designated areas. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in a significant fine you don’t want to pay!

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