Handicap Parking Permits in NY

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The New York Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) is strict about almost everything, including handicap parking permits. Unless you meet the necessary requirements, have the proper qualifications, successfully complete an application, and then post the placard in your vehicle, you can be ticketed for parking in a handicap parking space.

Even if you are a handicapped person, you will not be allowed to park in a handicap parking space without the correct handicap parking permit. The reason why will be presented in the rest of this article alongside the answers to many similar questions.

Rights of Handicapped Drivers in New York State

Most able people tend to think of parking as a simple, just a chore that needs to be done to get where they need to go. For handicapped drivers, the long walks we know and hate about New York City parking just aren’t possible. That’s why the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has passed rules and regulations providing additional rights to handicapped drivers.

According to the DMV’s website, “Reserved parking for people with disabilities ensures safe and equal access to goods and services.” The right to safe and accessible parking spaces helps handicapped people maintain the same quality of life that most other people take for granted.

These parking spaces are visibly marked to be used solely by handicapped people with the proper handicap parking permit. Anybody without the permit, even other handicapped people, cannot park in the space without facing heavy fines up to $180.

Qualification for a Handicap Parking Permit in NY 

The DMV provides a succinct list of people who qualify for handicap parking permits in the state of New York. The following list includes nine specific qualifiers, all of which are considered major disabilities:

  • Use of portable oxygen tanks.
  • Legal blindness.
  • Limited or no use of one or both legs.
  • Inability to walk 200 feet without stopping.
  • Any neuro-muscular dysfunction that severely limits mobility.
  • A Class III or Class IV cardiac condition according to American Heart Association standards.
  • Severe limitation in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition.
  • Restriction because of lung disease to such an extent that forced expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hrg of room air at rest.
  • Any other physical or mental impairment not previously listed which constitutes an equal degree of disability and imposes unusual hardship in the use of public transportation and prevents the person from getting around without great difficulty.

The reason that these disabilities were selected for handicap parking qualification are because they significantly impair a person’s ability to move. All of these ambulatory conditions combine to make it exceptionally difficult for somebody to walk long distances. 

That’s what makes handicap parking spaces near the front of each building so important and why the fine for illegally occupying one is so high.

How to Apply for a Handicap Permit in NY 

To qualify for a handicap parking permit in New York, you have to provide proof of disability to the DMV and fill out an application. This means visiting a doctor and filing a few forms.

Proof of Disability

Proof of disability is any documentation necessary to prove that you suffer from a disability that satisfies one of the nine requirements listed above. This proof needs to be from a doctor licensed to practice in New York and who has either MD, DO, DPM, or OD credentials. That means one or more of the following doctors:

  • Medical Doctor (MD)
  • Doctor of Osteopathy (DO)
  • Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM)
  • Optometrist (OD)

Once you have scheduled an appointment with one of the above doctors, be sure to ask them for one of the following three kinds of proof of disability:

  • A completed Medical Certification Part II of the “Application for License Plates and Parking Permits for People with Severe Disabilities” form (MV-664.1).
  • A statement from the doctor certifying that you have a qualifying disability.
  • An obvious, physical disability.

Handicap Parking Permit Application

The handicap parking permit application is form MV-664.1. The official name is the Application for License Plates and Parking Permits for People with Severe Disabilities. It is four pages long and chocked full of legalese, which can make it considerably difficult to read and understand without the help of a skilled traffic lawyer.

Once you have filled out form MV-664.1, you will be able to submit it to the DMV for consideration. Once they have reviewed your application, they will respond with the necessary information for you to collect your plates and placard.

How to Renew Your Handicap Parking Permit 

All handicap parking permits come with expiration dates. That’s true for both the temporary and the permanent permits. Around six weeks before that expiration date, the Department of Transportation (DOT) will mail you a renewal form.

To renew your handicap parking permit, all you have to do is fill out that form and send it back to the DOT. You will not have to provide proof of disability again during the renewal process unless you were originally given the permit as a result of a temporary disability or another disability that requires re-evaluation.

You will also not have to pay a fee to renew your handicap parking permit in New York.

FAQs about NY Handicap Parking Permits 

So that’s how the process works! Of course, that’s far from all you need to know about handicap parking permits, plates, and placards in New York. There’s plenty more that we need to cover, but there’s only so much space in one article. 

We have an ever-expanding team of traffic ticket experts just biting at the bit to provide you with answers. Comment any questions or concerns you might have below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Do NYC Handicapped Drivers Need to Pay Meters? 

If you have a serious disability, you may qualify for New York’s Metered Parking Waiver, which would allow you to park at meters without having to pay them.

The get a Metered Parking Waiver, you will need to fill out form MV-664.2MP, the Metered Parking Waiver application. Once you have submitted it, the DOT will determine whether you qualify for the waiver.

Can I Use My Disabled Placard in Another Car? 

Yes. Handicap parking permits are issued to people, not vehicles. That means the placard can go wherever the person goes. For example, if you decide to rent a car to joyride around the state for a few days, you can put your placard in the new ride and still enjoy the benefits of handicap parking.

How Long Is a Permanent Handicap Placard Good For? 

Permanent handicap placards last for five years before they expire. That is, 60 months from the date the placard was issued. 

For example, if the DOT issued your placard on April 29th of 2021, it would expire on April 30th, 2026. However, around March 19th, 2026, you’ll get a notice from the DOT saying that your permit is about to expire. Simply fill out the renewal application, provide any additional information, and (if necessary) conduct a re-examination of your disability, and you’ll be good to go.

Can I Use an Out-of-State Handicap Placard in NYC? 

Yes. New York City and the state as a whole acknowledge the handicap placards of all 49 other states. Those placards are treated similarly to those issued by New York’s own DOT, which means that you can park in any standard handicap accessible parking space. 

However, you will not be able to qualify for a Metered Parking Waiver without having first been examined in New York and providing proof of disability (as mentioned above) to New York’s DOT or DMV.

Can You Get a Handicap Sticker for Being Short? 

Being too tall or too short has no bearing on whether or not you can qualify for a handicap permit. That is, unless your height has a direct, significantly negative impact on your ability to move around. For example, if you are so short that walking causes you significant pain, you may be able to obtain one of the three proofs of disability mentioned earlier in this article.

Where Should You Hang Your Handicap Placard?

You should hang your handicap placard inside the rearview mirror of your vehicle. However, to avoid getting a traffic ticket for driving with an obstructed view, make sure to take the placard down whenever you set the vehicle back in motion.

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