Hit and Run Laws in Pennsylvania

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Mistakes happen, but how we react to them is what counts. Every state has its standard requirements for drivers when it comes to accidents. In Pennsylvania, if you hit someone by accident while driving, the law requires that you stop and follow a certain process before proceeding with your journey.

The least you could do is stop and check if anyone is injured or if there’s any damaged property. However, if you panic and decide to flee the scene instead, you should be aware of the consequences of your actions. Read on to find out about the hit-and-run laws in Pennsylvania.


Pennsylvania’s Hit and Run Laws

When a motorist hits a person or someone else’s vehicle or property and then flees from the accident scene, it’s referred to as a hit and run. Drivers involved in such kinds of accidents face several penalties.

In Pennsylvania, you are required by law to stop after an accident. If there’s no room to stop, you are allowed to drive past the scene and then slowly come to a halt in front of the scene. You might not be directly responsible for the accident, but stopping is the right thing to do.

Assess the scene, check for casualties, and provide assistance to injured parties. If you hit another person’s unattended vehicle, try to locate the owner and arrange for compensation.

You should also leave your phone number and insurance information with the other parties involved. Running from an accident could result in felony charges, which we discuss in the next section.

Is Leaving the Scene of an Accident a Felony in Pennsylvania?

If you flee from the scene of an accident in Pennsylvania without providing your identification or contacting the police, it may be considered a felony. This depends on the accident’s severity as well. There are three possible scenarios:

·    If nobody was hurt in the accident, you may be charged with a third-degree misdemeanor.

·    If there are injured pedestrians and you do not stop to assist, it is considered a first-degree misdemeanor.

·    Lastly, if someone is seriously injured during the hit and run, you will be charged with a third-degree felony.

These charges also attract various penalties, including jail time.

Penalties for Leaving the Scene of an Accident PA

Even if you are not the party “at fault,” leaving the site of an accident in Pennsylvania can result in serious consequences. You might face prison time, hefty fines, a criminal record, and points on your license.

The penalties will depend on whether anyone was severely injured and the degree of the property damage. Here are the different penalties to expect if you are charged with a hit and run felony:

·         Damage to a parked vehicle can result in $300 in fines and three months in prison.

·         Damage to an attended vehicle is punishable by a $2,500 fine and up to 12 months in prison.

·         Serious physical injury may result in fines ranging from $1,000 to $15,000 and up to seven years in prison

·         A death resulting from the accident can attract a fine of $2,500 to $15,000 and up to 10 years in prison.

A motorist guilty of a hit-and-run in Pennsylvania might also face a one-year suspension of his driver’s license. And for drivers found to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, the penalties for leaving the scene of an accident can be substantially harsher.

The next section explores the timeframe in which you can be charged for a hit-and-run accident.

How Long After a Hit-and-Run Accident Can You Be Charged?

If the violation is a simple offense, the police have 30 days to file a charge after discovering the driver’s identity or concluding their investigation, whichever comes first. As for misdemeanor offenses, they have up to two years to bring charges. There is no time restriction, however, for filing a felony for fleeing the crime scene.

To help you avoid potential penalties and fines for fleeing the site of an accident, below is a guide of what you should do if you find yourself in the middle of an accident.

8 Steps to Follow If You Are at the Scene of an Accident

It’s normal to panic and feel scared when you get into an accident. Due to the rush of emotions, you might not recall the actions you need to take at that particular time. Read on to find out the proper steps to follow at the scene of the accident.

1.  Stop

Slowly come to a halt at the scene of the accident. It’s crucial to stay put until police or any law enforcement officers arrive at the site.

2.  Assess the Situation

The first thing you need to do after stopping is check for casualties. Check on the vehicles’ passengers and ask if anyone is injured. You may need to call 911 and request emergency medical services if there are any serious injuries.

3.  Inform the Police

At the scene of an accident, passers-by usually call the police since the people involved in the accident may not be physically able to do so. You should take it upon yourself to contact law enforcement and stay on-site until you have given your report to them.

4.  Provide Your Information

This is an important step because it will help you and any other person involved get compensated for damages. You should also leave your contact information and your insurance information with the driver of the other vehicle.

5.  Speak to Witnesses

Witnesses are always present at an accident scene, especially during the day. Get an account of the events from them to fully understand what happened. If possible, get their contact information as well.

6.  Document the Accident

Take photos and videos of damages to vehicles or property, any injuries, and the state of the road after the accident. This can be used as evidence in court.

7.  Call Your Insurance Company

Whether or not you’re in the wrong, it is important to inform your insurance company immediately after the accident. This way, you will be able to process your claims much faster.

8.  Hire an Attorney

Numerous processes take place after an accident, and these may require the help of an attorney. They will take over the follow-up process so you can focus on repairing your car and recuperating if you’re injured. You can hire an experienced attorney through appwinit.com who can fight your case.

The Bottom Line

Hit and run accidents can attract a lot of penalties. The best way to avoid them is to not leave the accident scene until the police arrive. It’s also best to report the accident to your nearest police station before the day ends. Furthermore, you’ll benefit from hiring a traffic attorney to help guide you in case of any charges.

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