Hoverboard Laws in NY and NYC

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While they may make you feel like you’re Marty McFly in Back to the Future, riding a hoverboard can get you in trouble with the law in New York City.

Considered to be vehicles by the DMV, the hoverboard is illegal to ride on the sidewalks and roads of NYC. You may, however, find a place to ride your hoverboard outside city limits in NY State.

It’s probably best to leave your hoverboard for now at your grandparents’ house in the suburbs. Although they are slowly being legalized in states like California, it may be a while until you can take your hoverboard for a joyride in the Big Apple–or they may never be legalized to prevent accidents in the crowded streets of NYC. 

Read on to find out all the details about hoverboard laws in NY.

What are hoverboards?

Not quite the levitating vehicles of science fiction, the “hoverboard” of today is simply a self-balancing scooter which allows the rider to balance on pads between two motorized wheels. The rider can adjust the speed and direction of the hoverboard by tilting their weight on the pads. The hoverboard can reach up to 12 mph at full speed.

Also known as the “Swagway,” the hoverboard is a younger and cooler cousin of the Segway, the motorized scooter that is also illegal to ride in NYC. The hoverboard has been seen being ridden by Justin Bieber and featured in hip-hop dance videos. 

Although they aren’t allowed on NYC streets, that hasn’t stopped them from becoming extremely popular among young people.

Legally riding a hoverboard

You can ride a hoverboard on the sidewalk anywhere outside of NYC, but it is against the law to do so in the city. So it’s best to leave riding your hoverboard to quiet suburban streets with few drivers and pedestrians.


In NY State, under the VTL (Vehicle & Traffic Law) § 114-d, the hoverboard is considered to be an “electric personal assistive mobility device” (EPAMD), which is defined as:

“A self-balance, two non-tandem wheeled device designed to transport one person by means of an electric propulsion system, with an average output of not more than 750 watts (one horsepower), and the maximum speed of which on a paved level surface, when propelled solely by its electric propelled solely by its electric propulsion system while ridden by an operator weighing 170 pounds, is less than 12 1/2 miles per hour.”

Other EPAMDs include devices such as Segways, motorized wheelchairs, and one-wheel scooters. They do not require a driver’s license to operate.

EPAMDs are not considered to be “motor vehicles” in NY State, so people may ride them on sidewalks outside the city. NY suburbanites can ride their hoverboard out of their driveway and over to a neighbor’s house as they please.


However, hoverboards face different laws in NYC.

VTL § 125 defines a motor vehicle as any “vehicle operated or driven upon a public highway which is propelled by any power other than muscular power.”

Normally, EPAMDs like hoverboards are exempted from being considered motor vehicles–except in a city with a population of over 1 million. Since the population of NYC far exceeds 1 million, hoverboards are technically considered motor vehicles and require a driver’s license to operate within city limits.

But you won’t find much luck if you try to register your hoverboard at the DMV. NYC will not issue an official license to ride a hoverboard, making it impossible to legally ride on the streets. And since they are considered proper motor vehicles within the city, they are also illegal to ride on sidewalks.

Illegal hoverboard usage penalties

In NYC, riding a hoverboard can lead to penalties just like with any other motor vehicle. Luckily, the first violation will only result in a warning. The second violation can result in a fine under $50. Violations afterwards can potentially result in a fine of up to $200.

Can you get points on your license from hoverboard tickets?

If you get caught riding a hoverboard in NYC, don’t worry about your license being suspended. Since the hoverboard is considered an “unregistered motor vehicle” in NYC, riding one will not result in any points on your driver’s license. However, you will have to pay the fines mentioned above.

Riding a hoverboard safely in NY State outside of the city will not result in any driver’s license points nor fines. 

FAQs about hoverboards in NY

Does the law require that I wear a helmet when riding a hoverboard?

To ride a hoverboard in NY State, you are required by law to be over the age of 16 and wear a helmet. 

Just like with a skateboard, bike, or scooter, it is never worth it to sacrifice safety to look “cool.” Be sure to equip yourself with a helmet, elbow pads, wrist pads, and knee pads if you decide to take your hoverboard for a spin in a place where it’s legal. 

Can I ride my hoverboard in Central Park?

Unfortunately, hoverboards are off-limits in Central Park as well. Just like Segways, which are also not allowed, hoverboards are banned due to the high foot traffic in NYC parks.


For now, leave riding your hoverboard to test runs in your driveway. A bill to legalize hoverboards in NYC was proposed in 2018, but it was vetoed by Governor Cuomo. 

However, there might be a ray of hope for those eager to hoverboard through the city streets. In 2020, restrictions on motorized e-bikes were eased as a response to the COVID pandemic to ease strain on food delivery workers. There may be some actions pushing to legalize hoverboards in the city in the coming years.

What to Do If You Get Fined for Riding a Hoverboard

If you are facing a penalty for riding a hoverboard in NYC and you feel you have a case against it, download the WinIt app to get expert legal advice on how to fight your charge. Talk to a lawyer, take your case to court, and win it with WinIt!

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