How To Beat A Red Light Camera Ticket In Nassau County

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Getting a letter in the mail is supposed to be an exciting and fun moment. Unfortunately, it’s anything but fun when you open up the mail and discover that you’ve been sent a red light ticket. Especially if you didn’t see the letter right away and the ticket is already late.

Here’s what you need to know about red light ticketing in Nassau county, how to prepare for a ticket, and when you might be able to fight the ticket successfully.

How Many Red Light Tickets Are Given In Nassau County

The number of red-light tickets given out in Nassau County changes every year. Driver behavior, weather conditions, camera uptime, and other factors all influence how many tickets are issued. The most recent data we have is from 2016 when 505,089 tickets were issued across all cameras. That’s up almost 20k from 2015’s 487,298 tickets.

While exact numbers aren’t available more recently, there was a rising trend in the number of tickets issued each year through 2019. In 2020 the number of red light tickets was significantly lower, as expected since fewer people were on the road during much of the pandemic.

Considering the population of the county is around 1.3 million, that’s a significant number of tickets.

How Much is a Red Light Ticket in Nassau County?

Fines for a red light ticket vary slightly depending on when and why the ticket was issued. There was a fee schedule increase in 2017, which means that all red light tickets are more expensive than they would have been in 2016 or earlier.

For instance, passing a red light in Nassau county comes with a fine of $250, but an $88 surcharge, bringing the ticket total to $338. Most red-light fines in Nassau county are a little cheaper, like if you turn left through a red light the fine is $200 + the same $88 surcharge, for a total of $288.

Tickets in Nassau county also have a late fee if the fine isn’t paid on time. In addition to late fees, Nassau county also charges a $15 deferment fee if you need to move ticket payment later to pay the full amount. Deferment fees are charged per ticket. If you need a second (or more) ticket deferment the charge will be $10 per deferment per ticket instead of $15. 

How Can I Fight a Red Light Camera Ticket in Nassau County?

Since Nassau County has relatively high fees for red light camera tickets, it’s understandable to want to fight the ticket and see if you have a way to get your fine reduced or waived. The good news is that there are a few methods to legally fight a red light camera ticket, though identifying the best argument is important if you want to be successful.

Here are some of the best ways to fight a red light camera ticket in Nassau county, and when each might be applicable.

Seeing a Car Speeding Towards You in Your Rear-View Mirror

In some cases, driving into a red light or a yellow light about to turn red might be a reasonable driving decision. For instance, if you notice that the car behind you is driving too quickly and might not be able to stop, and the intersection is clear.

A car speeding towards you in the rearview mirror can be used as an argument to get you out of a red light ticket because you may have made the best safety decision for everyone in the intersection by avoiding a potential accident.

However, you can’t simply claim that there was a speeding car behind you if you don’t have any proof. If the courts decide to investigate your claim they might not waive the ticket if there isn’t any proof that you’re telling the truth. The red light camera itself might offer proof, but if you have a rear-view camera or another security device, it’s a good idea to save any footage that might help you fight a red light camera charge.

If you do save rear-view camera footage, make sure it’s named and dated so you use the right footage as evidence. Footage usually has date and time evidence included, and submitting the wrong footage won’t help your case.

An Emergency Vehicle Needing to Get Through

Another reason it might be acceptable to go into a red light is if you need to clear an intersection for an oncoming emergency vehicle. Since emergency vehicles can force lights to turn red or stay red you might be forced to move into a red light if you don’t have another way to get out of the emergency vehicle’s way.

Just like with speeding vehicles behind you, it’s critical to make sure you have some evidence that that’s why you moved into the intersection. While the county might have some evidence that backs your claim in their records, you shouldn’t count on it. Driving and car security cameras are great for proving that you were avoiding an emergency vehicle.

Avoiding a Hazard (like a fire or a riot)

Sometimes there are road hazards that warrant driving through a red light, though it’s always important to gauge the severity of the risk before making the decision.

Hazards like a fire next to your vehicle, a riot breaking out next to or in the road, or even severe flooding under your car, can all be reasons to drive through a red light and toward a safer part of the street. Of course, you still have to make sure the intersection is clear and that you’re driving safely as you try to get away from the hazard.

If possible, proof of the hazard is important here as well. It’s a little more likely that the county will have evidence to prove your claim, and that it might be easier to find that evidence and get the county to use it.

Claim a Medical Emergency 

Certain driving rules can be waived in a medical emergency, like speed limits and even red lights. As long as you’re driving responsibly, are in full control of the vehicle, and don’t enter a busy intersection during a red light, you might be able to fight the ticket.

It’s best if you, or a passenger in the car, can call emergency services and let them know where you are and that there is a medical emergency in the car. Depending on the situation, emergency services may ask you to pull over and send an ambulance, or they may even send you a police escort to help keep the streets clear.

Medical documentation from a doctor can also be used to argue a medical emergency. Unfortunately only some medical situations count as an emergency for driving purposes, so it’s important to be sure that you have an emergency before driving like it or using that emergency as a way to fight red light tickets.

Demand Documentation Showing that the Camera is in Working Order

Another way to fight a red light ticket is less about the situation and more about making sure the ticket was issued properly and making the county work to justify the ticket. You can ask for proof that the camera was in working order, especially if you suspect that the camera flashed on a green light.

If the county is unable to prove that the red light camera was working at the exact time of the ticket, the ticket (and fine) may be dropped.

Is There Another Vehicle in the Picture With You

If there is another vehicle in the ticket picture with you you can use that to fight the ticket for several reasons. For one thing, another vehicle in the picture might prove that the lights are badly or dangerously timed and that it’s not possible to clear the intersection quickly enough.

Having another vehicle in the picture can also help prove that the camera wasn’t in working order at the time, and took a picture on a green or yellow light.

Having another vehicle in the picture with you can also help prove that you were escaping a hazard, or that you drove through the red light because it wasn’t safe to stop at the time.

Can You Use a License Plate Blocker in Nassau County?

No, license plate blockers aren’t legal in Nassau county. License plate blockers come in a wide variety, everything from plastic covers and films to spray-on light treatments that make it harder to see your license. All license blockers are illegal in Nassau county since they are seen as a form of law enforcement evasion.

Having a license plate blocker on your car, no matter what type, can come with a fine of up to $200 for each incident.

What Happens if You Don’t Pay a Nassau County Red Light Ticket?

Failure to pay a red light ticket can be a serious issue in Nassau county. The county has the right to sell the debt to a collection agency, to boot your vehicle, or even to tow and eventually sell your vehicle for non-payment.

Do You Get Points for a Red Light Ticket in Nassau County?

Standard red light tickets (issued by an officer) come with an automatic 3 point deduction on your license. However, red-light camera tickets may or may not have any point deductions since camera tickets are harder to prove and may have been issued in error. Look at your ticket to determine if any points have been taken off your license. 

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