How to Fight a Red Light Ticket in Florida

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Florida has some of the highest red-light violations in the country with close to 3% of drivers who have run a red light or stop sign. But if you get a red light ticket, that still doesn’t mean you automatically need to pay the fine. With the help of a traffic defense attorney, you may be able to have the cost of the fine reduced, and even have your ticket dismissed altogether. Read ahead to find out what are the best ways to fight your red light ticket in Florida. 

How to Fight a Red Light Camera Ticket in Florida

Red light cameras can capture different traffic violations, from running a red light to stopping in the middle of an intersection while the light is red. These violations are typically captured in both photo and video forms. They are reviewed by police officers who will then decide whether the driver was in violation of traffic laws.

In general, red light camera tickets can’t be issued to drivers who:

  • Don’t stop or stop too late at a red light and make a right turn in a “careful and prudent manner”
  • Are directed by law enforcement to go through the red light
  • Are issued a ticket by an officer in person for the same violation.

The first thing you need to do when you get a notice of violation is to check the information carefully. The notice will usually also include a link where you can watch the video of the violation.

If you believe that you received the ticket in error, or you had valid reasons for running a red light, you should fight your ticket. An estimated two-thirds of Floridians who dispute their red light camera tickets are found not guilty and have their cases dismissed. In nearly all the other cases, drivers have their fine reduced.

The strategy that will give you the best chance of beating your ticket will depend on your specific circumstances when running the red light.

You were not the one driving the car

Check the date, time, and location of the red-camera recording to make sure that you were driving the car at that time. Although red-light camera violations are assessed to the owner of the car, in Florida, the driver and not the vehicle owner is liable for the violation. That means if someone else runs a red light while driving your car, that person is responsible for paying the ticket.

You have the right to submit an affidavit swearing that you were not the one driving the car when the violation occurred. Submitting the affidavit will often result in the dismissal of the ticket.

Similarly, if you sold your car but the registration hadn’t been changed yet, the new owner may be responsible for the violation. In this case, you should provide the information about the new owner in your affidavit.

It was not your car that set off the camera

Another method for fighting your red light ticket in Florida is to prove that your car was not the one speeding at the red light. If more than one vehicle appears in the photo, you can claim it was another car that set off the camera. Eyewitnesses including pedestrians, bystanders, and other drivers and passengers may be able to provide evidence that another car ran the red light.

The red light camera was not working properly

Red light camera systems occasionally make mistakes. You can request proof that the camera was serviced recently and it was in perfect working condition at the time it took the photo or video of your car. The manufacturer of the camera may be asked to testify at the trial and confirm that the camera was in good condition. If the representative doesn’t appear in court, you can argue that the accuracy of the camera can’t be verified.

The photograph of your car is unclear

If the photo taken by the red light camera doesn’t clearly show you or the license plates of your car, you can argue that there is no clear proof that it was you driving at that time or that it was your car. 

You ran the red light due to an emergency situation

If you run the red light in an emergency situation, such as rushing to a hospital, and have witnesses to confirm that, the judge will take your argument into consideration. Moreover, you will have your ticket dismissed if you run the light in order to yield to an emergency vehicle. In addition, Florida traffic law allows vehicles driving in a funeral procession to pass through a red light to follow the leader if they have headlights and flashing amber lights on.

You ran the red light in order to avoid an accident

Another defense that you can raise to contest red light ticket charges is that you ran the light to prevent a dangerous road accident or harming another person. 

You ran the red light because your brakes were faulty 

If you’re able to prove that your brakes were faulty and you couldn’t stop in time at a red light, the judge may take this into account. You need to show that you have taken all necessary measures to ensure that your brakes are working properly, but they unexpectedly failed. In this case, the fault is with the brakes and you can’t be accused of negligence.

Hiring an attorney

Working with an experienced attorney who can review your case and examine the data captured by the red light cameras is key in fighting your ticket.

The Winit app is the simplest way to find a qualified lawyer who will fight your red light ticket in Florida. All you need to do is take a photo of your ticket and submit any evidence right in the app. We’ll take care of everything else from providing you with quotes from the attorney to facilitating the initial communication and processing the fees. We will also prepare the case and go to court on your behalf. 

The entire process is completely risk-free and we won’t charge you unless we win. If you’d like to know how we may be able to help, give us a call today at (646) 859-0828.

How Long Do I Have to Pay the Red Light Camera Ticket or Take Action? 

After you receive a red light camera ticket in Florida, you have 60 days to either pay the fine or contest the citation. 

It is important not to ignore your red light ticket. Your fine may increase by up to 40 percent, and if you continue to ignore it, you may eventually have your driver’s license suspended, in addition to having to pay even higher fines and the fee of reinstating your driver’s license.

How Much Does a Red Light Camera Ticket Cost in Florida?

The typical cost for a red light camera ticket in Florida is $158, although the fee may vary slightly depending on your county. If your red-light violation is also caught by a police officer, the ticket may cost more. The fine will increase to about $262 if you fail to pay your ticket after the first notification.

Will a Red Light Camera Ticket Add Points to My License?

Within 30 days after you run a red light, you’ll receive a notice of violation in the mail. Because this notice is not a traffic ticket, it will not add points to your driving record or affect your insurance rates. 

However, in the event you fail to pay the notice, it will automatically turn into a Uniform Traffic Citation and four points will be assessed on your license for the violation. In addition, your auto insurance premiums may increase by 10 percent or more. 

If you want to avoid adding red light traffic ticket points to your license, the state of Florida offers the option of improving your driving record by taking a four-hour Basic Driver Improvement course. While the red light ticket won’t be removed from your record, this option may reduce points and prevent a costly insurance increase or a driver’s license suspension. 

Can I Use a License Plate Blocker in Florida?

License plate blockers are a way to make your license plate number invisible to red light cameras, which are often prone to errors, and save you the hassle of fighting a speeding ticket. 

However, in most states including Florida, it is forbidden to attach anything to your license plate that would make it unreadable. The state name and numbers must be clearly visible and the plate must be free from any dirt, stickers, and frames.

The state of Florida specifically forbids applying or attaching anything onto or around your license plate, including: 

  • Reflective matters
  • Illuminated devices
  • License plate covers
  • Tinted covers
  • Coatings
  • Coverings 
  • Photo block sprays.

Any other material that could interfere with the legibility, angular visibility, or detectability of any feature or detail on the license plate is also forbidden. 

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