How to Find a Lost Traffic Ticket

Let App WinIt fight your ticket.

If you’ve lost your ticket, you could be in a world of hurt. The only way to recover that information is through the bureaucracy of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Going through the DMV’s Official Channels

The key to getting it done is in not letting the frustration with the system blind you to the task at hand. If you don’t go to court or if you don’t pay your ticket, you could be making problems much worse.

Step 1: Check Your Memory

If you could remember where you put it or any of the information on it, then you wouldn’t be reading this article. Unfortunately, the DMV’s official channels only work at their best if you can remember a few of the key pieces of information on the ticket.

Try to remember which court the ticket was answerable to (i.e., which court you were assigned for your court date) as well as–if it was a TVB ticket–the TVB ticket number. Since the TVB ticket number can be 10 digits long, you’re probably not going to pass this step.

Step 2: Call the Court

Once you remember which court the ticket was answerable to, call it. After anywhere from a few minutes to a couple hours of researching the correct phone numbers, being transferred back and forth between representatives, and potentially being put on hold while the legal workers help the countless other ticket recipients in the state, you will be able to request a copy of your ticket or at least the information on it.

Step 3: Request a Copy of the TVB Ticket Online

You can do so here. However, this process only works at its best if you have a memory the likes of Einstein or Steven Hawking and can remember a ten-digit combination of letters and numbers that you’ve only seen once or twice.

Furthermore, this method is only available for people who have received TVB tickets, which are specifically given out in the borders of New York City, which is only just over half of the population of the state. 

For everybody else, there is little that you can do short of researching the court that covers the area where the violation occurred, attempt to find the representative(s) in charge of payment, and hope that that person has time to speak with you before you miss your hearing date.

But, there is no sense in going through all of this work just to concede and plead guilty. With the WinIt App, you can fight your ticket with the press of a button. After having found your lost ticket through the WinIt lookup system, enter the information into the app.

Once submitted, the expert attorneys behind WinIt will provide you with a quote and get started on your case if you accept. Unlike with many other traffic attorneys in the state, you won’t have to pay a penny unless your ticket is entirely dismissed.


Now that you know the ins and outs of the industry, you can find your ticket the old-fashioned way or the modernized way. Regardless of which method is right for you, it is important to find your ticket before you miss your court date.

Missing your court date and not paying your traffic ticket, which can easily happen as a result of losing your ticket, can leave you with an active warrant for your arrest, also called a bench warrant. 

So you better not procrastinate! For more great content on traffic laws and the rules of the road, check out our other posts and follow us on Facebook for frequent updates!

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