International Driver License in New York

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Imagine going on a business trip just to find out that you can’t drive in the destination state. Oh, the stress! Fortunately, that’s not something foreign drivers have to worry about in New York. 

New York recognizes foreign driver licences as long as you are a resident of the nation in which your license was issued. If your driver license is valid in your home country, then it’s valid here.

 The downside is that a ticket issued in New York can affect your international driver license—That is, unless you get your ticket dismissed via the WinIt app.

Can You Drive in NY with a Foreign Drivers License

You are allowed to drive in New York with a foreign driver license so long as your foreign driver license is valid. An invalid driver license in Canada, for example, is an invalid driver license in New York. Before traveling to New York, if you expect to drive while there, contact the agency that handles driver licenses in your home country and make sure your license is valid.

Unlike many other states in the United States, New York does not require you to get an International Driving Permit. That means you are legally allowed to drive without one. However, the DMV still recommends that you apply for one.

If your driver license is not written in English, it is unlikely that an NYPD officer will be able to read it. If they can’t read it, there’s no way for them to run it through the system. Having an International Driving Permit, which is written in English, enables you to prove that you do in fact have a valid driver license.

An International Driving Permit is not a driver license. Rather, it is proof that you have a driver license. You must still carry your driver license with you at all times while driving.

When Is a Foreign Driver’s License Not Acceptable in NY?

New York is more lenient when it comes to foreign driver licenses than most other states in the country. However, even in New York, there are still times when a foreign driver license is not considered a valid driver license. Those times are as follows:

When The Foreign License Is for a Different Class of Vehicle than the One Being Operated

There are eight different types of driver licenses in New York. In order for your foreign license to be valid in New York, it must match the type of vehicle you intend to drive in New York. If your driver license is for Class D vehicles, for example, you cannot legally drive a motorcycle.

Class A Commercial Driver License (CDL)

Class A driver licenses cover most single-unit trucks and other similar vehicles. The weight class associated with the license varies depending on which endorsements you have on the license. 

Class B CDL

A Class B driver license functions similarly to a Class A driver license but with reduced driving privileges and a decreased maximum weight capacity. Whereas Class A drivers can drive vehicles of virtually any weight class, Class B drivers can only drive vehicles 26,001 pounds and up.

Class C CDL

A Class C driver license functions almost identical to a Class B driver license. The key difference is that Class C drivers licenses only allow you to drive vehicles weighing less than 26,001 pounds.

Class D Operator’s License

This is the standard driver license for the state of New York. It enables you to drive most passenger cars and trucks under 26,001 pounds, towing vehicles, and mopeds.

Class DJ Junior Operator

This is the junior version of the Class D Operator’s License. To qualify for one of these licenses, you must be at least 16 years of age and pass all of the tests and application materials throughout the process.

Class E For-Hire: Taxi, Livery, Limo

The Class E driver license is needed to drive for-hire vehicles in the state. This is not to be confused with the driver license granted by the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC), which is separate from the Class E DMV-issued driver license.

Class M Motorcycle

The Class M license is required to drive most two- or three-wheeled vehicles. Whereas a Class D or DJ license will allow you to drive a moped and select scooters, a Class M or MJ license is required for you to be able to drive motorcycles.

Class MJ Junior Motorcycle

The Class MJ driver license is the junior version of the Class M driver license. The Class MJ driver license is to the Class M driver license as the Class DJ driver license is to the Class D driver license.

When The Foreign License Has Been Suspended

As mentioned earlier in this article, New York will only honor a foreign driver license if said driver license is valid in the country in which it was issued. If your driver license is suspended, then it is not currently valid.

A suspended license is an invalid license until the suspension is lifted. It’s important to note that there are generally two kinds of license suspensions: definite and indefinite suspensions. Definite suspensions last for a set period of time, whereas indefinite suspensions last until you successfully complete a set of court-ordered actions.

If you intend to travel to New York and drive while there, you will want to wait until your suspension has been lifted.

When The Foreign License Has Expired

Again, only valid driver licenses are accepted on the roads of New York. Expired driver licenses are not valid driver licenses.

A driver license is only valid for as long as the issuing agency determines. In the United States, it is the Department of Motor Vehicles that determines when a driver license expires, and those laws are set differently for each class of license in each state. In New York, 

How Does a New York Traffic Ticket Affect a Foreign Driver’s License?

The way a New York traffic ticket affects a foreign driver license varies from country to country. That’s because of a legal agreement called “reciprocity.” Countries with reciprocity agreements with New York will treat New York traffic tickets as though the ticket were issued in their home country. Canada is a great example.

Canada has a reciprocity agreement with New York, meaning that any tickets issued to Canadian citizens for violations occurring in New York will be treated as though they were issued by Canadian law enforcement. The DMV will report those tickets to their Canadian counterpart, which will then add them to the Canadian citizen’s driving record.

As a Foreigner, When Do You Need to Get a NY License

You only need to get a New York driver license when you become a legal resident of New York. You do not need to get a New York driver license if you are doing any of the following things:

  • Traveling to New York for business.
  • Vacationing in New York.
  • Commuting through New York.
  • Otherwise driving in New York while living outside of the state.

If you intend to remain a legal resident of a country or state other than New York, you do not have to get a New York driver license. However, if you intend to move to and live in New York, you will need to surrender your foreign driver license to the DMV in exchange for a New York license.

The moment you become a legal resident of New York, your foreign driver license becomes invalid in the state.

When Am I Considered a New York Resident?

The New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) provides a comprehensive description of what makes a person a New York resident in the DMV’s eyes. A New York resident is a person who lives in New York and intends to do so permanently. To be a New York resident, you must have a permanent residence in the state.

If you intend to move back to your home country after any period of time, then the state will not consider you a New York resident and will not grant you a New York driver license. The same goes for if you do not live full-time in New York.

Whether you’re a New York resident or not, you’ll still have to worry about New York’s widespread traffic ticketing system. Whether it’s a camera or a cop, in the Empire State, there’s always something standing by to issue a ticket.

If you’ve been issued a New York traffic or parking ticket, don’t panic. Download the WinIt app and fight your ticket with the help of expert traffic lawyers. Take your case to court and win it with WinIt.

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