Is It Worth Getting a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket?

Let App WinIt fight your speeding ticket.

If you have gotten a speeding ticket it is worth it to get a lawyer. That’s because, with a good lawyer, you will have a much better chance of beating the traffic charges.

Getting a lawyer is important. But even more important is getting a good lawyer. 

Knowing what to look for in a lawyer can make or break your case. Here are a few questions you should ask when looking for a lawyer

  • Education: Where did they go to law school?
  • Experience: How long have they been practicing law?
  • Location: Are they familiar with the laws in your area?
  • Price: How much are they going to charge you for their help?

Finding the right lawyer can be a real pain. Or you could just use the WinIt app, which helps connect you with qualified local attorneys. 

Below are 8 reasons you should get a lawyer to fight your speeding ticket.

8 Reasons for Getting a Lawyer To Fight Your Speeding Ticket

There are countless reasons why getting a lawyer for a speeding ticket is worth the money. We’ve gone ahead and selected what we think are the eight best reasons for hiring a traffic ticket attorney.

Traffic Lawyers Know Your Rights and Can Tell You If They Were Violated

We’ve probably all seen one of those videos where people sit in their car and shout through the window at the officer, “Am I being detained? Am I being detained? Am I being detained?” Unlike those people, traffic lawyers actually do know the law.

Traffic lawyers have to spend years studying the law before ever even being allowed to call themselves a lawyer. Many of these lawyers have spent countless hours pouring over legal texts, case law, and other documents that help them see exactly where the officer went wrong. Next up comes using that information to win your case.

They Know How to Cross Examine Cops

Virtually every legal drama involves some kind of cross examination. That’s when, for example, the prosecutor brings a witness and the defendant gets to ask the witness questions. In the case of traffic tickets, that witness is almost always the police officer.

Police officers are often considered expert witnesses on the subject of traffic tickets. That means what they say is likely going to be viewed as more credible than what you say. The best way to get through that defence is to use their own words against them. That’s where an attorney comes in.

You Can Save Time

Nobody likes to take time off work, spend hours reading the law, and wait even more hours in a courthouse just to lose their case. Attorneys can do all of that for you and are significantly more likely to get a successful outcome.

In many states, you don’t have to go to court if your attorney is going for you. That means you can continue going to work, school, or home like normal.

You Can Save Yourself from Getting More Points on Your License

Almost every state in the country uses some kind of point system. In New York, for example, that point system lists speeding tickets at between 3 and 11 points. Get 12 points on your license within 18 months and you’re looking at a suspension. Beat your ticket, however, and you’re looking at a point-free license.

Think of Your Insurance Premiums

Speeding tickets have been shown to increase automobile insurance premiums by around 23.2%. If you’re paying the average price for insurance, you could lose another $341 in insurance premiums this year. But that’s not the end of it.

Insurance investigators can typically see up to four years of your driving record. That means you might have to pay this insurance increase for up to four years for a total of $1,364.

Prosecutors Would Rather Not Fight Experienced Traffic Lawyers

Prosecutors love it when you try to represent yourself. To these legal experts, you’re easy prey. Hire a lawyer and that added muscle just might be what you need to convince the prosecutor to offer you a plea deal—or better. Prosecutors tend not to want to go up against other legal experts, as that tends to be much more difficult than going up against lawyerless individuals.

Lawyers Often Have Relationships With Judges or Prosecutors

One of the best ways to win a case is to be friends with the judge and the prosecutor. Unless you’ve spent a lot of time in the courthouse, odds are you won’t have that kind of relationship with them. Lawyers, on the other hand, often spend their entire day in the courthouse, talking to judges and making connections.

It Can Help Put You At Ease

Last but not least, hiring a lawyer can give you peace of mind. These legal experts know the ins and outs of the law, helping to increase your chances of getting out of that ticket. In many cases, you won’t even have to lift a finger. Just sign a few documents and let the attorney do the rest.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Traffic Attorney?

The main question people ask when looking to hire a traffic attorney is how much it costs. Prices vary between law firms, but most only cost a fraction of the ticket value. Some lawyers use fixed prices to help ensure that everybody is treated fairly. Others offer prices based on the difficulty of the case and how likely they are to win.

Using Traditional Lawyers

Traditional lawyers set their own rates, meaning that there’s little to no oversight in their pricing. What they want is what you pay. In states like New York, you have to pay even if you lose. That’s because New York traffic lawyers are not allowed to offer refunds for lost cases.

Traditional lawyers are a great option when you know one personally and can vouch for their expertise. But most of the time, you’re going to be shooting blind (please don’t shoot your lawyer). That’s not the same with the WinIt app.

Using the WinIt App

The WinIt app helps connect you with many of the local attorneys in your area, not just the ones you can find on Google. These lawyers come with plenty of reviews from satisfied (or dissatisfied) clients, so you know exactly what you’re getting into.

WinIt also offers Case Protection, which can help ensure you’re protected from harmful legal practices that might otherwise go unnoticed with traditional lawyers.

So what are you waiting for? Get started fighting your speeding tickets with lawyers on the WinIt app today.

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