What To Do If You Lost a Traffic Ticket

Let App WinIt fight your ticket.

Have you ever lost a traffic ticket? Or perhaps you were issued a parking ticket but never received it. If you don’t take action before the due date on the ticket there can be additional penalties added to the ticket. 

But don’t worry! 

How To Find a Lost Traffic Ticket

Just call the court with jurisdiction over the location in which you got the ticket. Of course, to do so requires you to know what court was listed on the ticket. 

If you don’t remember, this method might not work out for you. In such a case, try conducting a Google search to see which county court has jurisdiction over where you were pulled over.

How To Find a Lost Parking Ticket

Parking tickets are much more likely to get lost than traffic tickets are. We swear these little things sprout legs and walk off windshields like Michigan J. Frog walks off stages. 

Oftentimes, parking enforcement officers won’t properly attach the ticket to the windshield, which can result in it blowing away before you ever notice it.

Of course, not every ticket is beatable. Sometimes, the state has you dead to rights. But that’s not always the case. Traffic ticket attorneys have far higher success rates than most other people.

What Happens If I Never Received the Parking Ticket?

Just because you didn’t get the ticket doesn’t mean it wasn’t issued. If you can convince the court that you never received the ticket, the court officers may be willing to send you a copy of it and/or extend your court date. Sometimes, that can take some legwork.

Other times, the court might not believe you. Instead, it can issue a warrant for your arrest. Also called a bench warrant, these warrants are specifically intended to bring you in front of the judge for your hearing.

What Happens If I Don’t Pay My Traffic Ticket?

Failure to pay a traffic ticket is a crime. In fact, that crime is specifically titled “Failure to Pay.” Failure to pay is often considered a misdemeanor offense, meaning you could potentially go to jail and come out with a criminal record. To make matters worse, you’ll still have to pay the ticket.

If you continue not to pay your ticket, it could be sent to a debt collector. From that point on, you can expect your credit score to plummet, debt collectors to be calling your phone, and many more angry debt collectors in your mailbox.

Not only can failing to pay a traffic ticket result in a criminal record and poor credit, it can also result in the confiscation of your vehicle. There have been countless cases of government agencies using unpaid debt as an excuse to confiscate people’s cars, sell them, and keep the profits for themselves.

Can I Pay for My Lost Traffic/Parking Ticket Through WinIt?

Yes you can! Not only does WinIt offer the most effective means by which to find a lost ticket, it also provides the means by which to pay for that ticket.

When you fight your ticket, you gain the chance of possibly having the whole thing thrown out and dismissed. That could mean paying $0 in fines, $0 in surcharges, and—most importantly—$0 in insurance increases.

How To Fight Your Tickets Through WinIt

Fighting your tickets through WinIt is an easy and intuitive way to save money. You can start the process by downloading the WinIt app and entering some information about you and about your ticket. Next up, you find a lawyer you like, submit payment, and wait for the magic to happen.

That’s all it takes! In some jurisdictions, you’ll still have to take time off work to go to court with your attorney, but you’ll still have the opportunity to save time and money. In most places, you won’t even have to go to court at all. Instead, your chosen lawyer will handle all of that for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the WinIt app and get started fighting your traffic tickets today.

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