Memorial Day Parking

Let App WinIt fight your ticket.

Memorial Day is a beautiful holiday, not just for the American heroes it honors, but for the special holiday parking perks offered in NYC.

Alternate Side parking rules are suspended on Monday, and so are Muni Meters. Many people like to think that this means they can park anywhere, but unfortunately, as we’ve talked about before, New Yorkers still believe a lot of inaccurate myths about parking tickets in NYC.

No stopping, no standing, and no parking regulations will be suspended, except where those regulations are in effect anytime or seven days a week.

So what does this mean?

Last year, NYC issued more than 33,000 parking tickets over the holiday weekend, costing New Yorkers over $2.5 MILLION! 

That includes more than 10,000 parking tickets in Manhattan alone!

These were the top 10 precincts which were the hardest hit by Memorial Day weekend tickets.

 Parking TicketsBoroughPrecinct

Did all these drivers pay their tickets? Probably not. Many people try to fight their own parking tickets, but the average dismissal rate for these drivers in NYC is just 10%. Those obviously aren’t very good odds.

Now, there’s a better way.

More than 700 clever New Yorkers got their Memorial Day Weekend tickets dismissed last year by using the WinIt app, slashing over $18,000 in fines!

WinIt’s team of specialists dismiss more than 30% of all tickets they dispute.

That means you can TRIPLE your odds of beating a ticket instantly, by letting WinIt fight your ticket on your behalf.

Don’t let unfair parking tickets spoil your Memorial Day sunshine.

Park safely, and download WinIt today!

Get a Free Ticket Consultation

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