No Stopping Signs

Let App WinIt fight your ticket.

If a street sign says you can’t do something, don’t do it. Of course, it’s not always that simple. Accidents, poor visibility, and just plain old not noticing the sign can all lead to traffic tickets.

 Three of the most important signs to understand are the no parking, no standing, and no stopping signs.

No Parking Vs. No Standing Vs. No Stopping

These three signs are closely related. They share many of the same qualities and legal requirements but are issued for entirely different violations.

That being said, all of these violations are easy to mix up and confuse with one another. The best way to figure out which violation is which is to think about what you’re doing with your vehicle at the time of the violation.

Keep in mind, of course, that all of these violations vary from place to place and state to state. What might be a valid exception in one state might be a crime in another. On the other hand, what might be a crime in one state might be an exception in another.

No Stopping Signs

As you might expect, a no stopping sign is the opposite of a stop sign. Whereas a stop sign requires you to stop and check for other vehicles or pedestrians, a no stopping sign requires you to just keep on keeping on.

There are only a few situations where you are allowed to stop at a no stopping sign. They are as follows:

  • If another sign, such as a temporary stop sign, is placed nearby.
  • If a signal or police officer commands you to stop.
  • If stopping is the only way to avoid an accident.
  • If emergency circumstances require you to stop.

Stopping at a no stopping sign for any reason other than those cited above will most likely result in you receiving a traffic ticket.

No Parking Signs

Like no stopping signs, no parking signs are pretty straightforward: You can’t park there. Many times these signs will come up with little placards that say something like “Between the hours of” and then a time. Unless otherwise stated, you are never allowed to park at a no parking sign.

Most laws define parking as when the driver stops the vehicle, turns it off, and gets out. In most cases, this is what sets parking apart from standing.

No Standing Signs

The difference between parking and standing is subtle, but very important. Many states allow you to stand in a no parking zone. And no, this doesn’t mean pedestrians can stand in the middle of a no parking zone. “Standing” refers to the act of idling in a stopped position for a prolonged period of time without the driver getting out of the vehicle or turning it off.

That last bit, “without the driver getting out of the vehicle or turning it off,” is the big difference between parking and standing. If there is a no parking sign where you need to stop to unload a truck, for example, you might be able to stand there instead.

If you are issued a ticket for parking in a no parking zone while you were still in the driver seat and the vehicle was still turned on, you could possibly get that ticket dismissed on the grounds that you were standing, not parking.

For help getting your ticket dismissed, download the WinIt app and choose from a list of qualified traffic ticket lawyers in your area.

Tickets Given Out Per Year

Each year, the city of New York rakes in more than $500 million dollars from parking tickets. That includes no stopping and no standing tickets as well as a long list of other kinds of non-traffic violations. Here’s some of the data we managed to collect regarding the number of tickets issues in these three categories each year:


ViolationNumber of Tickets Issued
No parking1,230,545
No standing811,080
No stopping44,647


ViolationNumber of Tickets Issued
No parking891,709
No standing559,626
No stopping32,149

2019 & 2020

Unfortunately, most of the data for 2019 and 2020, as well as more recent data, has not been updated to show the specific violation descriptions for each ticket. As of April 2021, there were 9.6 million unclassified tickets in 2019 and 8.0 million in 2020.

How AppWinIt Can Help You Fight Your No Stopping Tickets

If you’ve received a ticket for stopping, standing, or parking where you shouldn’t have, do not enter a plea until you’ve spoken with a lawyer. Lawyers on the WinIt app are far more affordable than traditional lawyers and can handle almost any case that comes across their desks. Why pay your ticket when you can win it with WinIt?

Get a Free Ticket Consultation

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