Pennsylvania Seat Belt Laws

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Pennsylvania Seat Belt Laws

Seat belts are undoubtedly a lifesaver. Belting up increases your survival rate by 60 percent following an accident. If you’re driving in the state of Pennsylvania, it’s your responsibility to make sure you and your passengers buckle up, or otherwise, you’ll face legal fines. Read on for more insight on Pennsylvania seat belt laws.

The Law

According to Pennsylvania’s seat belt laws, both the driver and the passenger seated in the front seat of a vehicle must put on a seat belt. And, if any of the passengers in the vehicle is between ages 8 to 18, they must belt up at all times regardless of their seating position, whether in the back or front seat.

Let’s look at what the law says about car seats and booster seats in Pennsylvania.

Car Seats and Booster Seats

Car crashes account for the majority of injuries and fatalities to children in the U.S. In the state of Pennsylvania, about 7,000 kids below five years old are involved in mishaps each year. For this reason, Pennsylvania primary child passenger safety law stipulates:

· Children below four years old should not ride in a normal car seat. Instead, they need a federally approved child safety seat. This is regardless of whether they are riding in the front or back seat. The seat itself must be attached to the car using the seat belt system or LATCH system in newer cars.

· Kids younger than two years should only ride rear-facing until the moment when they outgrow the total weight and height limits specified by the manufacturer of the child rear-facing seat.

· Kids between ages 4 and 8 ought to belt up in an approved child booster seat. The seat must be fastened to the car via the seat belt system. Booster seats must be used along with both shoulder and lap belts.

What penalties do you attract for not wearing a seat belt? Read on to find out.

Penalties for Not Wearing a Seatbelt

Failure to adhere to Pennsylvania’s seat belt laws is deemed a primary offense. As such, it attracts the following fines:

· Passengers aged between 4 and 8 years: $75 fine plus court fees.

· Passengers aged between 8 and 10 years: $10 fine plus court fees.

Seat belt infringements also attract the following fees:

· $10 administrative cost.

· $10 EMS Fund cost.

· $45 surcharge.

Seat Belt Statistics

It’s a common assumption among many people that they can use their legs and arms to stop themselves from hitting the dashboard or being ejected outside following an accident. That’s far from the truth. In a collision, the car stops while your body is propelled forward at high speed until it hits whatever that’s in front with tons of force.

That said, here are some of the most important seat belt statistics that you ought to know:

· Belting up can boost your survival chances by up to 60 percent. This is because it restrains your body from moving forward. A driver or passenger who’s not wearing a seat belt can die due to impact despite the car traveling at a slow speed.

· According to National research, there’s a 25 percent more likelihood of getting killed if you don’t put on a seat belt and are thrown out of the car in a crash.

· Always buckle up regardless of the distance of the journey. 3 out of 4 collisions happen within a 25-mile radius of the motorist or passenger’s house.

· 50.3 percent of people who died in car crashes were not wearing seat belts.

That said, let’s discuss the importance of seat belts below.

The Importance of Wearing Your Seatbelt

Seat belts remain the most effective feature for preventing injuries and fatalities during car crashes. This is in spite of the introduction of new car safety features in newer cars. Here are reasons why you should always buckle up:

· Belting up keeps you secure inside your car and prevents the possibility of being ejected out during a crash. So, you have a better chance of survival. Fatalities are increasingly common in car crashes when a person is thrown out of the vehicle.

· In the event that your vehicle starts to spin or skid, your seat belt secures you in the right position to carry out evasive action. If you’re not buckled up, you’ll likely lose control of the car and crash.

· Your lap and shoulder belts help distribute the impact force across the strongest sections of your body. As such, you’re less likely to suffer a serious injury compared to a full-blown impact on your head, abdomen, or chest, which will likely occur if you aren’t belted up.

· If you’re unrestrained, your body propels forward at a similar speed to your car after the crash. Consequently, you might end up hitting the dashboard, steering wheel, or side window. Wearing a seat belt helps to stop your body from propelling forward when the car stops suddenly.

· Head injuries sustained from an accident may lead to brain injuries. Also, any impact on your spine may make you physically incapacitated. All these may lead to high treatment costs and reduced quality of life henceforth. A seat belt can prevent such incidents.

So how should you wear a seat belt?

How to Properly Wear a Seat Belt

The lap belt should be put across the pelvis area while the shoulder belt secured across the rib cage. These areas of the body can best handle the impact of a crash compared to other body parts.

· Let the shoulder belt rest across the center of your chest. Don’t put it anywhere on your neck.

· The lap belt should be secured not on your stomach but across your hips.

· For the seat belt to do its job, it must be worn in front of your body, not tucked under your arm or behind your back.

· Airbags work in conjunction with seat belts, not as their replacement. When you’re not buckled up, you may hit your head on a rapidly opening front airbag leading to death.

Always Buckle up for Maximum Safety

Your car may have a good safety rating, but this doesn’t mean that seat belts are unnecessary. Your car’s safety rating is based on tests that factored in all available safety devices, and a seat belt is one of them. So, buckle up even as you use your car’s other safety features for maximum protection.

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