Point System Georgia

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Georgia’s state government uses what we call a “point schedule” to regulate the state’s driver license point system. Point schedules are lists of violations that carry different numbers of points. Each time you are convicted of a traffic-related violation in Georgia, you can receive up to six points on your license.

Points and Their Violations

Not every violation carries the same number of points. The more severe a violation is in the eyes of the law, the more points it can add to your license. The table below shows a list of each offense that can earn you points in Georgia as well as the vehicle code section for reference:

Code SectionOffensePenalty
40-6-2Failure to Obey Person Directing Traffic3 points
40-6-6Emergency Vehicle Violation3 points
40-6-11No Proof of Insurance-Motorcycle3 points
40-6-14Limits on Sound Volume3 points
40-6-16(b)“Move Over” Violation3 points
40-6-16(c)Improper Passing of a Stationary Utility Service Vehicle3 points
40-6-16.1Improper Passing of an Active SanitationVehicle3 points
40-6-17Use of Traffic-Control Device Preemption Emitter (while operating a motor vehicle)3 points
40-6-20Disregard of Traffic Control Device orSignal3 points
40-6-21Failure to Obey Traffic Signal or Light3 points
40-6-23Failure to Obey Flashing Signal3 points
40-6-24Lane Direction Violation3 points
40-6-26(a)Tampering with Traffic Signs or Signals(while operating vehicle)3 points
40-6-26(b)Operating Vehicle on Closed Roadway3 points
40-6-27Tampering with Pavement Markers (whileoperating vehicle)
40-6-40Improper Lane Usage3 points
40-6-41Failure to Yield to Oncoming Traffic3 points
40-6-42Improper Passing3 points
40-6-43Improper Passing on the Right3 points
40-6-44Improper Passing3 points
40-6-45Improper Passing on Hill or Curve4 points
40-6-46Passing in a No Passing Zone3 points
40-6-47(b)Wrong Way on One-Way Road3 points
40-6-47(c)Rotary Traffic Island Violation3 points
40-6-48Improper/Erratic Lane Change/Failure to Maintain Lane3 points
40-6-49Following Too Closely3 points
40-6-50Driving Within Gore or Improper Entry to Controlled Access Highway3 points
40-6-51Improper Use of Controlled-Access Road3 points
40-6-51(a)(1)Improper Use of Controlled-Access Road3 points
40-6-51(a)(2)Improper Use of Controlled-Access Road3 points
40-6-52Truck Lane Usage Violation3 points
40-6-53Bus or Motorcoach Lane Violation3 points
40-6-54HOV Lane Violation1 point for 4th and subsequent violations
40-6-55Failure to Yield to Bicycle3 points
40-6-56Failure to Maintain Safe Distance fromBicycle3 points
40-6-70Failure to Yield at Intersection3 points
40-6-71Failure to Yield when Turning Left3 points
40-6-72Stop/Yield Sign Violation3 points
40-6-73Failure to Yield when Crossing or EnteringRoad3 points
40-6-74Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle3 points
40-6-75Failure to Yield to Construction Vehicle3 points
40-6-76Failure to Yield to Funeral Procession3 points
40-6-91Failure to Yield to Pedestrian3 points
40-6-93Failure to Exercise Due Care Near Pedestrian3 points
40-6-94Failure to Yield to Blind Pedestrian3 points
40-6-98Driving Through Safety Zone3 points
40-6-120Improper Turning3 points
40-6-121Improper U-Turn3 points
40-6-122Improper Starting3 points
40-6-123Failure to Signal Turn3 points
40-6-124Improper Use of Signal3 points
40-6-125Improper Use of Hand Signal3 points
40-6-126Improper Use of Turn Lane3 points
40-6-140Railroad Grade Crossing Violation3 points
40-6-141Disregard of Stop Sign at Railroad Grade Crossing3 points
40-6-142Failure to Stop at Railroad Grade Crossing3 points
40-6-143Improper Movement of Heavy Equipmentat Railroad Grade Crossing3 points
40-6-144Improper Emerging from Alley, Drivewayor Building3 points
40-6-160School Bus Speeding Violation15-18 mph: 2 points19-23 mph: 3 points24-33 mph: 4 points34+ mph: 6 points
40-6-161School Bus Headlight or CommunicationDevice Violation3 points
40-6-162School Bus Signal Violation3 points
40-6-163Unlawful Passing of School Bus6 points
40-6-164School Bus Disembarking Violation3 points
40-6-165School Bus Operation Violation3 points
40-6-181Speeding15-18 mph: 2 points19-23 mph: 3 points24-33 mph: 4 points34+ mph: 6 points
40-6-184Impeding the Flow of Traffic3 points
40-6-184(a)Speed Less than Minimum3 points
40-6-184(c)Impeding the Flow of Traffic3 points
40-6-185Speeding on Bridge or Structure15-18 mph: 2 points19-23 mph: 3 points24-33 mph: 4 points34+ mph: 6 points
40-6-188Speeding in Work Zone15-18 mph: 2 points19-23 mph: 3 points24-33 mph: 4 points34+ mph: 6 points
40-6-205Obstructing an Intersection3 points
40-6-240Improper Backing3 points
40-6-241Failure to Exercise Due Care/Unlawful Use of Wireless Device1st offense: 1 point2nd offense: 2 points3rd offense: 3 pointsSubsequent offenses: 3 points
40-6-242Driving with Obstructed View3 points
40-6-244Allowing Passenger in House Trailer3 points
40-6-245Improper Mountain/Canyon Driving3 points
40-6-246Coasting3 points
40-6-247Improper Following of Emergency Vehicle3 points
40-6-248Crossing Fire Hose3 points
40-6-248.1Unsecured Load Resulting in Accident2 points
40-6-250Wearing Device Impairing Vision or Hearing3 points
40-6-251Laying Drags3 points
40-6-252Cruising3 points
40-6-253Open Container2 points
40-6-253.1Improper Transportation of Infectious Substance3 points
40-6-254Unsecured Load Resulting in Accident2 points
40-6-271Violation of Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle3 points
40-6-272Violation of Duty Upon Striking FixedObject3 points
40-6-273Failure to Report Accident3 points
40-6-275Failure to Remove Vehicle from Roadway3 points
40-6-311Improper Operation of Motorcycle3 points
40-6-312Motorcycle Lane Violation3 points
40-6-312(e)Operation of Motorcycle Without Head/Tail Light3 points
40-6-313Clinging to Vehicle While on Motorcycle3 points
40-6-314Motorcycle Equipment Violation3 points
40-6-315Motorcycle Protective Gear Violation3 points
40-6-326Operating Personal Assistive Mobility Device While Intoxicated3 points
40-6-352Moped Headgear Violation3 points
40-6-361Low Speed Vehicle Lane Violation3 points
40-6-362Low Speed Vehicle Roadway Violation3 points
40-6-390Reckless Driving4 points
40-6-393.1(c)Feticide by Vehicle-2nd Degree3 points
40-6-397Aggressive Driving6 points
40-8-76Child or Youth Restraint not properly used (under the age of 8)1st offense: 1 point.2nd offense: 2 pointsSubsequent offenses: 2 points

Exceptions to Getting Points for Speeding Violations

As you can tell from the table above, you can get up to six points on your driver license when convicted of a serious speeding violation. However, that’s not always the case. There are two situations in which you might be able to avoid getting any points on your license for such a speeding conviction:

  • If you were going fewer than 15 miles per hour over the posted speed limit.
  • If you are not a Georgia resident.

The second of the above points is probably the most important. That means, if you don’t live in Georgia, the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) will not try to add points to your out-of-state driver license in their system. However, it is still possible that your home state’s DDS-equivalent will add points to your license.

How Many Points to Suspend a License

How many points it takes to suspend your Georgia driver license depends on your age. Drivers under the age of 21 years old will have their driver license suspended after obtaining four or more points at any time. Drivers aged 21 years or older will have their license suspended if they obtain more than 15 points on their license within a 24-month period.

How to Remove Points from Your License

The most effective way to remove points from your license is to complete a DDS-certified defensive driving course. Upon successful completion of one of these courses, the DDS will remove up to seven points from your license. Unfortunately, you can only do this once every five years.

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