Probationary Driver’s Licenses in NJ

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There is often confusion surrounding regular driver’s licenses and probationary licenses in New Jersey. 

The language that is used to describe rules and features related to the probationary license can be vague and hard to follow. You might have a lot of questions about this kind of license and be uncertain about how to obtain the answers.

New Jersey offers a variety of tiers of driver’s license, which is not the arrangement in many other states. This can make it confusing to be sure of the rules and regulations related to your probationary driver’s license. You might not even be sure that you need one!

This article will clear up a lot of the confusion about the rules, regulations, and limitations of a probationary license. You will no longer have to be confused or concerned about your driving privileges if you are the holder of a probationary driver’s license.

If you are ready to learn more about probationary driver’s licenses in NJ, read on!

What Is a NJ Probationary License?

A probationary license in NJ is given to drivers who are 17 years of age or new drivers who have not completed at least a year of driving solo. This license comes along with some limitations and rules that regular driver’s licenses do not. This license can be upgraded to a regular driver’s license after a driver’s 18th birthday or after the required probationary year, assuming that they do not have driving infractions which would limit the conversion to a regular license.

What Are The Steps for Obtaining a Probationary License in NJ?

The process for obtaining a probationary driver’s license in NJ is not complicated.

1.       Complete Supervised Driving Hours

You will have to practice for at least 6 months if you are younger than 21 years of age, or at least 3 months if you are 21+ and are applying for a license for the first time. You may not get your license if you have any suspensions or postponements.

2.       Schedule a Road Test

You have to schedule this test online or you can go to the MVC to schedule. You may have a long wait and you should be prepared to schedule well in advance of the date that you want to take your test. You will not be allowed to take this test if you are not at least 17 years of age, so make sure that you do not schedule your test before your birthday.

3.       Take These Items to Your Appointment

You will need the following items when you show up to take your test or you will not be allowed to proceed with the testing process. You will need:

  • 2 forms of identification 
  • Your valid examination or student’s learner permit
  • Proof of Social Security Number 
  • Proof of address. 
  • You will also need your vehicle inspection sticker and you will need to be accompanied by a licensed driver over 21 years of age

Forgetting any of these items will require that you reschedule your test. This could mean a long wait, so make sure that you do not forget any of the necessary items that are required to be allowed to take the test.

4.       Pass the Test

You will go on your road test with an MVC staff member and if you pass, you will get an authorization slip to return to the MVC. If you fail, you will have to wait 2 weeks before you can test again. Be aware that you will have to parallel park in this test. Many drivers are not prepared for this step and fail the test due to the parking portion of the test.

5.       Complete the Application

You will get an application form for your license at the licensing office and you will need to complete it and turn it in to apply for your license.

6.       Pay the Fee

The probationary license fee is $6.00.

7.       Have Your Picture Taken

You will need to have a picture taken by MVC for your license. This will capture your full face from the top of the forehead to the bottom of your chin. You will need a medical or religious release if you want to wear a head covering in your photo.

8.       Receive your License

Your license will be sent to you and you will keep it until you are the right age or you have driven unsupervised for a year if you are under 21 or 6 months if you are older than 21.

How Long Do You Have to Have a Probationary License in NJ?

You will have a probationary license for a year if you are a new driver or until your 18th birthday with six months of driving experience if you got your license after you turned 17 years old. The strictures related to curfew and the number of passengers in your vehicle with you will not apply to those who are over 21 and are applying for their probationary driver’s license.

What Are the Rules for a Probationary License in NJ?

A probationary driver’s license in NJ comes with some rules that do not apply to other driver’s licenses that are issued in the state. Here are the rules for your probationary driver’s license in NJ if you are under 21:

·         You cannot drive with hands-free devices or hand-held electronic devices

·         Everyone in your car must wear a seatbelt

·         No driving between 11:01 pm and 5:00 am

·         Passengers are limited to dependents and one extra person unless you are driving with a parent or a guardian

·         You will need to put decals on your car at the top left corner of the rear license plate and the top left corner of the front license plate. These are available through the DMV for $4.00.

If you are older than 21:

·         No hands-free or hand-held electronic devices

·         Everyone in your car must wear a seatbelt

What Happens if You Get a Ticket With a Probationary License?

The NJ courts will not accept a plea on a no-point violation for a probationary license. If a driver gets two infractions totaling 3 or more points, they will have to take a driver improvement course. Failure to take this class will lead to more points being accrued and the state will move to suspend the license.

Drug and alcohol-related driving offenses with a probationary license will lead to the license being suspended for six months. This is not a negotiable offense and the only way to fight a drug or alcohol-related ticket is to secure the assistance of a lawyer.

How to Fight a Ticket With a Probationary License

It can be very difficult to fight a ticket in NJ when you have a probationary driver’s license. The no-plea arrangement that is written into these offenses can make it almost impossible to fight a traffic or other driving offense as a probationary driver’s license holder. The state has set a goal to make sure that new drivers are conservative and do not engage in any high-risk behavior during their probationary period.

The law itself will not allow you to negotiate for points to be removed or for a no-point outcome for your case. You will almost always be best off to follow the process through and make sure that you do not have any more violations during your probationary period.

If you believe that you have been given a ticket in error and you know that you need help representing your argument, you can utilize the services of WinIt or you can hire an attorney. These are your best options if you want to avoid a traffic violation during your probationary license period.

Can You Push Off Your Ticket Date?

You can reschedule your court date through a continuance in some cases. You will have to show up at the original court date and argue briefly and eloquently about why you need the continuance. This will be hard to do with this kind of ticket, but if you have a valid reason for the continuance, a judge will probably grant it.

It is always best to avoid being ticketed for any kind of driving offense in NJ during your probationary license period due to the way that the probationary ticketing rules are written. NJ is not tolerant of a new driver or youthful driver infractions, and it is very hard to get any leniency for honest mistakes or errors in judgment. There are some states where these kinds of situations are given quite a bit of leniency, but NJ is not one of those states.

The Probationary Driver’s License Process is Complex but Necessary

There is no way to avoid the probationary license period, so being prepared for the rules and regulations related to it is very important for new drivers. Armed with the information that you need, you can go out and get your probationary license and follow the probationary period carefully so that you can get your regular driver’s license.

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