Should You Use a Lawyer or a Robot to Fight Your Ticket?

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Technology is everywhere and robots are popping up all over the world. Between 2012 and 2017, the field of advanced manufacturing and robotics experienced a growth rate of 189.4%!

Robots and artificial intelligence are driving cars, shipping freight, and even checking insurance rates. On the other hand, lawyers have been around for thousands of years.

But is newer always better? This article will answer that question and more.

The Pros and Cons of Robots

Robots have only been around for a short period of time. Still many made quite a name for themselves, just like the robots that kept falling over at the DARPA Robotics Challenge in 2015. The research and dedication that it takes to make such high tech machines makes them seem like a great option for many applications. Could that include fighting traffic tickets?


Robots can process information much faster than human traffic lawyers. Depending on the software being used, it is possible for a robot to help thousands of clients simultaneously and work thousands of times faster than humans.

Robots also easily win the title of Best Data Processor. Not only can they help people much faster than human laywers, they can also look through case law in a matter of seconds, apply it to the case file, and generate and file all necessary motions within minutes.


Current artificial intelligence is not true AI. Today’s robots are not capable of learning to the extent of humans. Humans can easily adapt to new information, but robots often need massive amounts of data before learning anything.

This lack of “thinking on the fly” shows up in the use of pre-programmed questions. Robots can be great lawyers when the law can be rigidly applied. But if your case has falls into a gray area, the robot might not be able to understand the nuance of your situation.

The Pros and Cons of Traffic Lawyers

Traffic Lawyers also have their fair share of pros and cons. Since human lawyers have existed since just about the time humans learned to talk, it’s hard not to see why they’re the gold standard of courtroom procedure.

It really makes you think. What came first, the argument or the lawyer?


Human traffic attorneys are able to use their human intelligence to examine new data and think creatively, two things that robots can’t.

Human attorneys are also capable of adding the “human touch” and empathy to court proceedings. That’s why it’s important for attorneys to be likable. A likable attorney makes for a better chance at winning the case. Not many people find the cold, calculating logic of robots very likable.


Despite being quicker on their feet, so to speak, humans are much slower when it comes to monotonous legal paperwork. Human lawyers work at only a fraction of the speed of robots when it comes to things like menial data entry, mass emailing, and placing calls to remind clients of upcoming court dates.

Robots are also much better at basic math. Humans, on the other hand, have long been considered biologically bad at math. Since a single type can occasionally mean the difference between a dismissal and a conviction, this flaw can sometimes be quite damaging.

Why You Should Always Go with Human Attorneys

By now, you’re probably beginning to understand why robots and AI are so seldom seen in the legal profession. Law involves a large amount of critical thinking and data-crunching, and robots are perfect for that. But what ultimately wins cases is the “human touch.”

That means things like negotiations, deviating from “programming,” learning from new data, and so on. Sure, machine learning has taken off in recent years, but it still has a long way to go.

But who knows? In 20 or 30 years, we just might see the first Mr. Robot, J.D.


If you get a speeding ticket, parking ticket, or pretty much any other kind of ticket out there, it’s best to have as many tools at your disposal as possible. Although attorneys tend to be better than robots, both have shown significant potential to work well together.

The experts at App WinIt have created software designed to be the best of both worlds. We use robotic assistance to help our team of human attorneys figure out how to best win your case.

For more great content on traffic laws and the rules of the road, check out our other posts and follow us on Facebook for frequent updates! 

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