Texas Cell Phone Driving Law

Click here to fight your Texas traffic ticket.

Whether you are a Texan resident or are just driving through, it is important to be aware of the state’s laws in order to avoid the hassle of getting a ticket, points off of your license, or a possible suspension. In this guide, we will go through everything you need to know about the Texas driving laws, including what it is, what the restrictions are, and what to do if you find yourself with a texting while driving ticket in Texas.

Texas Cell Phone Driving Law   

Using your cell phone while driving is considered distracted driving. Texting while driving is legal in the entire state of Texas, and some cities prohibit the usage of cellphones entirely, including calls or checking a map. The next portion of the guide will go through specific restrictions to look out for.

Restrictions on Cell Phone Usage While Driving in Texas

There are specific restrictions within the cell phone usage and driving law in Texas that are important to keep in mind. Although some may change depending on which city you are in, using your phone while driving can be extremely dangerous and lead to possibly fatal incidents, so it is best to keep your phone away until you are safely at a stop before using.

The restrictions in the law include:

●     You cannot send texts or check your texts while driving

●     If you have a driver’s permit, you cannot use your phone at all while driving during the first six months

●     If you are in a school zone, using a cellphone is completely illegal

●     School bus drivers are not allowed to use their phones while children are on the bus

●     Minors driving are not allowed to use their phones while driving

Again, it is important to remember that phone usage is one of the leading causes of car crashes. To best protect yourself, your loved ones, and those around you, avoid using your phone at all times unless you are at a complete stop. For the detailed statutes regarding the cell phone usage law in Texas, you can check out this link here.

Exceptions to The Law

There are certain exceptions to the above-mentioned law which may be useful to know if you find yourself facing a ticket due to cell phone usage in Texas. The exceptions to the law include:

●     If you are using your phone at a red light or a parking lot and are not driving

●     If you are using your phone for maps, directions, or to listen to music

●     If you are calling 911 or someone in the case of an emergency

●     If you are checking a text which you deem likely to be an emergency

●     To report something suspicious or presumably illegal

If you go to court because an officer reported and ticketed you for cell phone usage in Texas, you may be able to fight it off if you were using it for one of the reasons above. It is important to take screenshots, get witnesses, and accumulate any and all evidence to support your case as soon as possible if you are looking to fight off your ticket. In the final portion of the guide, we will explain how to best fight a phone usage ticket in texas.

What is the Fine for Using a Cell Phone While Driving in Texas?

If you are ticketed for using your cell phone while driving in Texas, you may be wondering what the fines look like. Remember, if your case falls in one of the above mentioned exemptions, you may be able to fight your way out of paying your ticket. Otherwise, you will need to pay up.

A first offence is $99, and a second offence is upwards $200. This will, of course, increase if a crash occurred, and if someone was injured. In the latter cases, you risk accumulating points on your record, which can lead to an increase in insurance costs and a possible license suspension.

Using appwinit.com to Fight Your Cell Phone Ticket

No matter the reason why, getting a ticket is always a hassle. Not only is it expensive, but it is also time and energy consuming to deal with. No one wants to deal with having to go to court or pull out an extra one or two hundred dollars because an officer saw you using your phone.

Luckily, there is an app to help make dealing with your ticket an easy and stress free experience. With the App WinIt, you can access professional help to help you fight your Texas cell phone usage ticket. This can help you avoid facing surcharges, increases in your insurance rates, and an accumulation of points on your license.

App WinIt is an online platform designed to put you in touch with high-quality, professional attorneys who will help you beat your case. The app is easy to use, too! To use, begin by selecting “Texas” as the state you received your ticket in. Next, enter your personal and contact information. You will be contacted by one of the team’s members to give you a quote for your dispute within 48 hours. Next, you get to choose the attorney you would like to work with.


It is never a fun experience getting a ticket. By knowing a state’s particular driving laws, you can avoid getting ticketed by knowing the rules and following them. That being said, we all make mistakes. Luckily, with the help of professionals such as on App WinIt, there are ways to get out of a ticket in an expensive and stress-free way. No matter what your situation is, a professional will be there to help you out.

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