Texas DPS Driving Record

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There are many reasons for why a person would need their driving record. For example, your auto insurance company may ask for it. Similarly, if you apply for a job that requires you to drive, the prospective employer will likely want to view your record.

Having said all that, the state of Texas issues multiple types of records, and each of them contains certain information. Some of them are also designed for specific uses.

Because of this, we put together this article to guide you through the process of obtaining your driving record. Not only do we break down what every record type entails, but we show you how you can request one and the options that you have for doing so.

Types of Driving Records

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) issues six types of licensee driver records. Each of them includes different information about your driving history, and the specifics of which vary from one type of record to another.

Type 1: Status Record

Your Status Record shows these basic details about you and your license:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • License status (whether it’s active, suspended, or revoked)
  • The latest address that the Texas DPS has on file

A Status Record only costs $4, making it cheaper than all the other types.

Type 2: 3-Year History Record

By paying an extra $2 (or $6), you can get a type 2 record that contains the same information as your Status Record, in addition to the following details from the last 3 years:

  • A list of accidents or crashes that you received a ticket for
  • Any moving violations

While your 3-Year History Record goes more in depth, it has certain limitations.

Type 2A: A Certified 3-Year History Record

This record is almost identical to Type 2. The only difference is that Type 2A records are certified.

At times, your car insurance company or a potential employer (especially if the job entails driving the organization’s vehicle) may ask you for a certified record. Having said that, defensive driving courses (DDCs) don’t accept it.

Type 2A costs $10.

Type 3: List of All Accidents and Violations on Record

Simply put, Type 3 records expand on the details that are provided in Type 2 documents. The former includes all of the violations, accidents, and crashes that you were ever involved in, and not just those from the last 3 years.

Another difference between them is that Type 3 shows you incidents that you weren’t ticket for, while your 3-Year History Record merely highlights the accidents or violations in which you received a citation.

You have to pay $7 to get this record. Nonetheless, you still can’t use Type 3 for DDCs.

Type 3A: Certified List of All Accidents and Violations on Record

This is a certified version of your Type 3 record, and it costs $10 to obtain. It is also the only record that is acceptable for DDCs. As a driver, you are the sole person who can request this document from the Texas DPS.

Type AR: Certified Abstracts of Driving Record

Alongside the information in a Type 3 record, your Type AR record contains all the license suspensions that you ever received. For $20, you can obtain this certified version of your complete driving history.

How to Order a Driver Record

Regardless of the record type that you want, you can request one either online or via mail.

Ordering Online

To order your record through the Texas DPS website, follow these steps:

  1. Determine which record type you need. For example, if you want to use your record to enroll in DDCs, you should order Type 3A.
  2. Have your most recent Texas drivers license, commercial license, or identification card (with its audit number) on hand. A copy of these documents also suffices since the Texas DPS website will ask you security questions about your identification.
  3. Enter your date of birth and the last 4 digits of your Social Security number.
  4. Download Adobe Reader and the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, or Safari so that you can access and fill out the appropriate forms.
  5. Make a payment with a valid credit card. After that, either print the record at home or, if not possible, save a PDF or electronic version that you can print out later.

Order by Mail

Alternatively, you can print and fill out this request form by hand or through your laptop/computer device. Adobe Reader’s software allows you to digitally complete it.

Once the form is ready, mail it with your payment to the following address: Texas Department of Public Safety – PO Box 149008 – Austin, Texas 78714-9008.

How long does it take to get my driving record by mail?

It typically takes 3 weeks for your driving record to arrive in your mailbox. However, if you run into any issues or delays, call the Texas DPS at (800) 558-9368.

Going forward, before you request any documents, determine what you need to use your driving record for and make sure that the party that’s asking for it (your auto insurance company or an employer, to give a couple of examples) will accept the type that you want to obtain.

After that, you can prepare your payment method, gather the relevant information, officially submit your request, and, finally, print your record or wait for it to arrive. The process is simple and straightforward.

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