Washington State’s Laws for Cell Phones

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You rely on your cell phone. You need it to keep in touch with family, to keep updated on the news, get inclement weather alerts, and even find directions with maps. However, driving with your cell phone is very dangerous.

Many state laws dictate rules and regulations around cell phone use in your car, and Washington State is no different. Even if you just plan on driving through Washington, these are laws that you need to be aware of. In this short guide, we’ll share with you all the information you need to know about Washington state’s cell phone laws.

Cell Phone Laws in Washington State

You should know that any use of a personal electronic device is prohibited in Washington State and is considered to be distracted driving. Washington was the first state to enact this kind of cell phone restriction, and they take driving safety very seriously. If you are caught driving while distracted, there are fines you may have to pay.

The law states that:

“A driver who uses a personal electronic device while driving a motor vehicle on a public highway is guilty of a traffic infraction and must pay a fine. You cannot watch a video, use a hand or finger to text, or hold your device while driving.”

Let’s explore what that means and what this law includes and does not include.

Using Your Cell Phone While Stopped

The lines and rules of traffic change from state to state. If you travel a lot, plan on driving through, or have lived in Washington state for a while, you should get familiar with what these driving policies mean.

What is and is not included in the outlined law?

Texting or holding your handheld electronic device while stopped. You cannot use your cell phone while at a red light in the state of Washington. This also includes if you are stopped in heavy traffic. This is considered distracted driving and you will be fined.

If you do anything with your phone as a driver in Washington, including looking over at it or holding it, it is considered distracted driving. This includes watching a driving-related video, looking at a digital map, using your finger to scroll on your electronic device or any other physical interactions with the device.

If you really need to use your phone while on the road, have a passenger take care of the task for you.

Bluetooth devices. While handling a device while driving is illegal in Washington State, you are allowed to use a one-touch Bluetooth device and to start a device as long as it can be done in one touch. 

However, it is strongly recommended that you start up any one-touch GPS device or your music before you begin driving.

Using your cell phone while pulled over. On the other hand, if you are pulled over, the rule is different. When you are pulled over, you technically are no longer driving. It is perfectly fine for you to use your cell phone while pulled over or parked in the state of Washington.

Along with this rule exemption, there are several others that you should be aware of while driving in Washington.

Rule Exemptions that You Should Know

While distracted driving is illegal in Washington State, there are some special exemptions to the rule. These situations are rare but can come up. Knowing these exemptions can help you explain to an officer your circumstances to avoid fines and penalties.

The exemptions are as follows:

·         If you are a driver contacting emergency services, you are momentarily exempted from distracted driving rules. If you’re pulled over, explain your emergency and that you’re on the phone with emergency services to the officer.

·         If you are a driver of an emergency vehicle, you are exempt from these laws.

·         If you work for the transit system and use a device to transmit time-sensitive or emergency information to your transit dispatcher, you are exempt.

·         If you are a certified commercial driver and are authorized by federal law to use your electronic device while driving, you are also exempt from Washington State distracted driving law.

If you do not fall under these categories, you cannot use your cell phone in your car unless you are pulled over or parked. If you are caught distracted driving in Washington, there are separate penalties for various offenses.

Here’s what you need to know.


Penalties for Using Your Cell Phone While Driving in Washington State

When it comes to fines and penalties, you need to be aware of what breaking distracted driving laws will cost you.

-First offenses. The first traffic offense ticket you receive will cost you at least $136. But this is just the beginning. After that, the tickets get exponentially more expensive.

-Second offense tickets. If you get another ticket within five years of your first ticket, it will cost you at least $234, and the following tickets will be equally as costly.

-Other offenses. Cell phone use isn’t the only thing that counts as distracted driving in Washington state. Other things you do while driving that will incur an extra fine include grooming, smoking, eating, or reading. If an officer believes that you were doing any of these things and it was impacting your driving, you will be fined for it.

If you are pulled over for another traffic offense, any of these activities will add another $99 to your fine.

Don’t forget! You won’t just be fined for cell phone usage violations. If you are caught distracted driving your insurance company will be notified. This can affect your rate.

Avoid getting a traffic ticket in Washington and get familiar with local driving laws. Sometimes mistakes happen though, and we understand. If you already have a ticket you need to deal with, we can help.

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