Texas Point System

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Getting points on your license can be quite a hassle, and it can be even more of a hassle if you aren’t aware of the rules surrounding the point system in the state you are a resident of. In this guide, we will go through all of the information you may need regarding the Texas license point system, and what to expect if you get points.

How Does it Work?

The Texas point system is part of a system which most states use, which is the accumulation of points on a particular driver’s license as a result of traffic offences and infractions. The number of points received will vary based on the severity of the violation. After a certain number of accumulated points, the driver can have their license suspended or revoked.

How Many Points for Infractions in Texas

If you are wondering how many points you could receive on your license, the answer is that it depends on the kind of violation caused. You will receive:

●     2 Points for a Conviction of an Offence    

●     3 Points for a Conviction That Ends in a Crash    

If you receive 6 points or more on your license, you will be subjected to surcharges. The surcharge baseline fee is 100$, plus 25$ for every point. For every year that you do not get a point, a point is deducted from your license.


There are certain cases in which a driver will need to pay surcharges regardless of the number of points on their license. These apply if you are caught:

●     Driving while intoxicated

●     Driving without a driver’s license

●     Driving with an invalid driver’s license

●     Driving without insurance

How Long Do Points Stay on Your License in Texas?

According to the Harris County Justice Courts official website, for “ each consecutive 12 month period that an individual does not receive any points for a moving violation, one (1) point will be deducted from the individual’s total points.” This means that if you receive three points on your license, it will take at least three years for the points to be removed, so long as you do not commit any more traffic violations.

Suspended License in Texas

If you receive12 points on your license over 3 consecutive years, your license is suspended. There is the possibility to apply for license reinstatement if you have it suspended in Texas.  You can check out the eligibility and application requirements on the Texas Department of Public Safety website.

Will My Insurance Go Up if I Have Points on My License?

In most cases yes, your insurance will go up if you accumulate points on your driver’s license. This is because points make a driver appear to be more reckless and irresponsible, making them more likely to cost the insuran

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